Chapter 5 - Surprise

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The school bell rang, signaling the start of lunch break. Akane and I are on our way to the rooftop to eat. I've been keeping her company during these past few days. She didn't ask me to, but I found myself doing it anyways. I felt obliged to do so because I always see her by herself. Plus, I'd be lying if I said that I don't enjoy being with her.

Although she's friends with almost all of our classmates, she always seems to distance herself from them. A lot of people have asked her to hang out or eat lunch with them but they eventually gave up after being turned down. I don't know if she's an introvert or she's just socially selective.

I consider myself lucky because she doesn't shoo me away. Sometimes we eat lunch at the cafeteria with the volleyball team but we don't do it on a daily basis because...




I expressed my gratitude before I ate my food. I heard them do the same and we all started digging in. We're now eating lunch at the cafeteria and it's the fourth time that Akane joined us. The third years don't usually sit with us so the seating arrangement is the same as before. The volleyball team always occupies the long table with two long benches on either side.

Akagi - Osamu - Suna - Atsumu - Ginjima

Akane - Kita - Aran - Omimi

Though I still find it quite surprising that 5 people can fit in a bench. Right now, the twins are talking to Akane about anime stuff which I don't understand. I can only make out words like sharingan, titans and port mafia. Aran would sometimes join in their conversation.

Most of my team mates tend to act hostile to other girls, especially towards flirty fangirls. Although it looks like I have nothing to worry about since she gets along with them so well. In fact, even Suna seems to enjoy her presence. He and Akane tend to talk about their favorite bands. Suna even said that he's thankful because he finally found someone with the same music taste. Akane converses with Aran and the twins about their favorite anime series. I'm thinking about watching some of the shows that they mentioned so I can understand what she's saying. Akagi talks to her about Pochi, the puppy that he adopted. She rarely talks to Ginjima and Omimi, but the fact that she can squeeze a few words out of them is already impressive because they're usually very shy.

Akane and Akagi were in the middle of a conversation when we heard an announcement over the PA system.

"All class representatives, please proceed to the council room immediately. I repeat, all class representatives, please proceed to the council room immediately."

Akane stood up and asked me if I can take her bento box back to the classroom. I agreed and she was about to go when Osamu stopped her.

"Senpai, if yer not gonna finish yer lunch, can I have it?"

Typical Osamu.


Osamu seemed to have sparkles in his eyes while he was munching on Akane's onigiri. Atsumu grabbed the remaining tamagoyaki while his twin was distracted. They went on and on about how heavenly the contents of her bento box were. They were on the verge of fighting over the last piece of karaage but I didn't bother stopping them.

My focus was on Akane's figure. She had her back turned to us and I don't know if she's already aware of what's happening around her. A LOT of girls were sending her nasty glares. Most of them were in groups and they're probably fan girls since I recognise some of them.

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