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"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."
– Mae West –

I don't remember how old I was when I first came across that quote, but it sure made a great impact on me.

Growing up, my life wasn't that great.

I know that a lot of people talked about me behind my back saying that I was the "perfect child" who had no gaps. Some of them even said that my parents were probably the best, seeing how they raised such an amazing child.

They're wrong.

My parents abandoned me before I even uttered my first word. Though I have to give them credit for leaving me in an orphanage instead of leaving me in the streets to meet my demise.

I didn't notice it immediately, but I realized that I matured far quicker than people my age.

While my classmates in elementary were bawling their eyes out everytime they tripped while playing, I was crying while cutting onions because I was cooking breakfast. While they were figuring out how to confess to their crush, I was figuring out how to remove the chocolate stain from my uniform.

I took charge of everything and stayed faithful to my routines because the last thing I want to be is a burden.

Especially to Grandma.

She gave me everything: a place to sleep in, food, clothes and the privilege to go to school. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her.

Despite having a "tragic backstory," I was contented with my life.

Or so I thought.

You came into my life without any warning.

I thought I had everything I need.

But you're the missing piece.

You're the one who can fill up the void inside me.

I need you.

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