Fairy Tail | Lost Dragon | A Nalu Story Part 4

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TIMESKIP: After the Job
(At the guild)
(3rd Person POV)

Team Natsu enter the guild to find the magic council. "Natsu Dragneel step forward." says Jura Neekis. "What the hell does one of the wizard saints want with me?" asked Natsu. Jura turns to Natsu and gives a slight grin. "The magic council detected a huge amount of magic energy. This energy was comparable to the wizard saints." Jura explained. "Sounds like you guys got something to investigate." said Natsu as he walked to the bar. Suddenly a bright light was cast in the middle of the room revealing Mavis and Zeref. "Actually the magic energy was comparable to Mavis not the saints." said Zeref. Natsu waved to Zeref and Mavis and they waved back. "Zeref the black wizard and Mavis the founder of Fairy Tail." said Jura surprised. "I am no longer a black wizard." Zeref started to explain. "Forgot about that we need to speak with Natsu about the power that he released." Jura exclaimed. Before Natsu could open his mouth Zeref started to speak. "He doesn't know how to control the power. Truth is he accidentally released the power of E.N.D. The reason Mavis and I came back was to help me get his emotions in check." Zeref finished. Jura took a seat and began to think deeply.

While Jura and Zeref were conversing about what is next Mavis ran over to Natsu. "Natsu it pains me to hear what happened I'm so sorry! You must feel lost and broken."Mavis exclaimed with deep sadness. "It's fine I don't really feel like talking about it right now." Natsu replied. Mavis couldn't believe her ears. It was the first time she had ever seen him upset. She simply came closer and gave him a warm hug. The hug was interrupted by Jura calling for Natsu. When Natsu walked over to Zeref, Jura, and Makarov he noticed a sheet of paper between them. "What's this?" He asked. "This my boy is your ticket into the wizard saints! The power you displayed agents Erigor was beyond that of the middle tier saints." exclaimed Makarov. "Before you go any further I have to explain something." Natsu said slowly. Jura looked surprised but told him to continue. "Truth is when Erigor said what he said I lost control and that caused me to use E.N.D's power. I didn't know exactly what I was doing at the time I just let myself go." Natsu explained. "That's why it didn't look like you used the full power of E.N.D." said Zeref. Jura looked up in fear. "Your telling me that blast was caused by a fraction of his real power?!?" Jura said confused. He looked in Natsu's direction with a strange look on his face. "What exactly did he say to set you off?" Asked Jura. "I can't. I don't want to think about it." Natsu replied with deep sorrow in his voice. Erza came in from behind Natsu and gave him a big hug. "It's ok Natsu you don't need to." Erza exclaimed shooting Jura a deadly glare. "Natsu go home my boy we will handle this from here." said Makarov. "Thanks gramps." replies Natsu as he breaks the hug and walks out with tears in his eyes.

Erza turns back to Jura giving him another deadly glare. "You will not continue to hurt my friend and my guild mates! You cannot bust in here and begin making claims! This guild is going through a hard time with the loss of Lucy and we would appreciate it if you showed some respect!" She finished. Erza pauses realizing that she just screamed at not only a magic council member but a wizard saint. Jura stood up still in shock of how she reacted. He walked closer to Erza and bowed his head. "I apologize. I had no idea you all lost one so close. We can hold of the paperwork and questions for a later date. Again I am sorry for your loss." said Jura as he left.

     The guild felt relieved that the council left. They felt as if they couldn't breathe in their own home. Erza, Gray, Juvia, and Wendy sat down at the bar and begun to chat with Mira and Makarov. "I can't believe the council. They think they can barge in here and investigate my children." said Makarov angrily. "I'm sure they are attempting to set up a saint trial this moment." said Zeref as he walked up to the group. Before anyone could reply Mira spoke up. "So Zeref what's the story with you and Mavis?" asked Mira with a smirk. "Well she's my love." replied Zeref. Mira started giggling in excitement. "So where is Mavis?" asked Erza. "Mavis told me she was going to teleport to Lucy and see how she is." replied Zeref. All of their heads feel as they prayed Mavis could convince her to return home.


    Mavis appeared by Lucy when she was training. Lucy was using her Taurus star dress to create controlled earthquakes. "Mavis what are you doing here?" asked Lucy. "I could ask you the same Lucy." Mavis replied. "Well truth is I hate feeling weak and always needing to be saved. I came out here to train until I felt stronger." Lucy exclaimed. "Oh my...... Lucy you know that nobody thinks you are weak. I must say tho this training has definitely improved your magic power." said Mavis with excitement. "That means a lot coming from you." Lucy says with a smile. Mavis stayed and guided Lucy through her training for most of the day.

TIMESKIP: After Training

    Lucy finishes her target practice and sits to rest. "Thanks for staying and helping with the training Mavis" said Lucy. "Anytime but I must ask Lucy. When are you coming back?" asked Mavis with a frown. Lucy paused and thought hard for a moment. "Truth is that I'm not sure. I know that staying out here is good for me but.... I don't know what to feel." Lucy exclaimed with sadness in her face. Mavis could tell that Lucy felt just as alone as Natsu. She had her drive to become stronger that kept pushing her while Natsu had nothing. "Lucy truth is that things aren't pretty at the guild." Mavis said slowly. Lucy looked up surprised. "I'm sure my guild mates miss me and I'll be back soon." Lucy replied. "He rarely eats and is emotionally unstable." Mavis explained with tears in her eyes. Lucy instantly began to cry thinking about how she had hurt him. How could she forgive herself for being so stupid! "What do you mean by emotionally unstable?" asked Lucy with deep sorrow. "Erza keeps trying to get him to join the team on missions. One mission Erigor got loose and they had to defeat him and his gang. From what I was explained Erigor insulted you and that caused Natsu to lose control." Mavis explained. "Lose control?" Lucy said confused. "Zeref explained to me that Natsu's rage was empowered by his loss which triggered and partial E.N.D transformation." Mavis said trying to hold back tears. Lucy stood frozen at what she just heard. "If that wasn't enough pain for him the magic council showed up asking to question him." Mavis finished. The tears were too much to hold back and Mavis began to cry. "I'm so sorry." Lucy said with tears streaming down her cheek. "Lucy promise me you will make this right. I'm not asking for you to come home now but whenever you do he will be waiting. Truth is he needs you Lucy." Mavis exclaimed as she disappeared. Lucy felt so lost. She had no idea the affect she would have on her guild mates. Lucy decided that she would try to speed up her training and return home as soon as possible.

Thank you all for reading. Next part should be up by tomorrow.

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