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A few days went by and Zak was thinking when Dakota came over.  "Zak".  "What's up Dakota?" he asked.  "I was wondering if I could ask your permission for something" Dakota said.  "What's that Dakota?".  "I would like to invite Lori on one of my episode"he inquired.  "Where are you going?".  "It's a hospital in Michigan" Dakota stated showing him the information he had. "All right Dakota but I want you to know Lori is very sensitive to ghosts and entities" Zak remarked.  "She told me and I swear Zak she and I will not do anything". 

"I will keep that in mind Dakota you do have my perimission"he stated.  "Thank you Zak" and Dakota left.  When Zak got back Lori was on the phone with Dakota.  When she finished Lori walked over and gave her father a hug.  "Thank you daddy for lettting me do this".  "You're welcome but I want to give you something"Zak stated and they went upstairs to her father's room. 

As Zak looked for it Lori saw a picture of her father.  "Cute picture of you dad when was this taking?"she inquired as Zak looked at it (THE ONE ABOVE).  "Ireland it was an awesome being there" he replied.  "You've been anywhere else out of the country".  "Yea London, Romania and Italy found it".  He brought over a cross.  "It's the only cross that I have that has been blessed by a bishop I know, and I want you to wear it when you go inside this hospital for safety" he stated.  

"It's beautiful dad I'll make sure I do" and gave him a hug.  When it came time for Lori to leave, she gave her father a hug.  "You have the cross I gave you".  She pulled her hair back to show him she was wearing it.  "You ready Lori".  "Yea" as Dakota grabbed her stuff.  "Remember what I told you Dakota the first time"Zak whispered.  "I swear Zak I won't"Dakota replied as he got on the RV with the rest of the crew.  He waved good-bye as the RV left memories of the school field trip Lori took that ended with her being hospitalized played in the back of Zak's mind.

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