Chapter 4 - The Early Start (Day 2)

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Author-Kun's note: I'll be posting one every day so enjoy following along! 🧡 (well, if you are lol)

The Time: 1AM

Shoyo wakes up in the middle of the night, to get some more distance as soon as possible. He doesn't want to miss his final goodbye to Kageyama, especially because of the fight that had happened those few years ago.

Before he knew it, Shoyo had packed up and is back on his bike, ready to take off for another day of bike riding.

As he rides out of the town, he realises how dark it is. Only about 10 meters of vision, then it's pitch black. Nothing.
"I should've bought a bike light.." Shoyo says to himself, as he knows the sun won't be rising for another few, dark, hours.

Being as careful as possible, Shoyo rides his bike across the bumpy concrete, making sure that there are no rocks that will make him fall off.

The Time: 4:30AM

Slowly getting lighter, Shoyo has only stopped once to catch his breath. Since it has become lighter, he decides to make another stop by some rice fields and eat a little bit.

With the small amount of food and drink he was able to pack, he hopes it is worthwhile, as there was only really a few meat buns and some small plastic bottles of water in his bag.

Once he had eaten, Shoyo takes off again, riding as far as possible. How much distance left? 1000 miles. He's going to have to do a lot more work if he wants to get to Kageyama in time, so he plans to do at least 50 miles a day, with his bike alone.

The time: 5:50AM

As the day continues becoming lighter, Shoyo manages to find his next stop, where he makes the decision to write a little in his journal.
"I can't wait to show this to Kageyama!" Shoyo says to himself, describing the rice fields he was at yesterday and earlier.

His excitement got him carried away, making him not realise the time. Shoyo rubs his eye before quickly putting his notebook in his back, bending a few pages, but that's the least of his worries currently.

Shoyo had never thought that he would hear such terrible news about Tobio after they fell out. He was pretty surprised he still wanted to tell him goodbye.

The time: 8AM

After the past few hours, Shoyo had sped up by a lot and done about 20 miles. Again, he stops to take a rest. I mean, he can't cycle all day. No one can! Everyone has to take a break at some point.

Rather than actually doing something, Shoyo just sits down and kind of gets himself back together again. He still finds it hard to process what had happened to Tobio.

Around two or three minutes and half a bottle of water later, Shoyo hopped back on his bike, riding away again.

However, this start wasn't as easy as a start as the other times, as Shoyo immediately face planted after hitting a rock he didn't see before.

This is something he did not plan for when he thought about the trip. As much as he remembers the safety of cycling, he didn't quite remember the consequences of not looking out for his surroundings beforehand.

"Ow..." Shoyo rubs his head while standing back up. He sees a small drop of blood drip down onto his shirt.

Conveniently timed, Sugawara pulls up next to Shoyo in his car.
"Shoyo? Are you okay?"
"Yeah... I just..."
"Get in. I'll get you to Kageyama quicker." Sugawara says, as Nishinoya and Tanaka peep out from two of the back seats.
"Yeah!" The two say in unison.
"Where should I put my bike?"
"Just throw it in the trunk for now."

Shoyo opens up the trunk, and carefully places his bike inside of it. He opens the front passenger door and hops in. Nishinoya points through the gap between where Sugawara and Shoyo are sitting and yells:
"LET'S GO!" before Sugawara starts to drive off.

The Time: 5Pm

The four had been in the car, driving for a while, but Nishinoya and Tanaka needed a bathroom break after every 30 minutes, so they didn't get very far.

"Are we nearly there yet?)" Tanaka and Noya calls from the back for around the twenty eighth time.
"No. We're not even fifty miles away from where we found Shoyo because of you two."
"Not even fifty miles?!" Shoyo looks towards Sugawara in shock.
"We're going to have to stop now anyways. You two better not need many bathroom breaks tomorrow."

And just as quickly as they found Shoyo, they begin to rest. Considering the space, they all have to sleep upright. It's the only way.

Author-Kun's Note Pt2: Sorry if this one seemed rushed! But I already have an ending in mind, so stay tuned for that! 🧡

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