Chapter 7 - The Loud Phone Call (Day 4)

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The time: 6AM

Sugawara is the first to wake up again, checking his phone to see if he got any important phone calls. Much to his surprise, he ends up with twenty missed calls from the hospital.

In a panic, he desperately runs out of the car, a decent distance away so that the other four in the car won't hear him.

After putting in the phone number, Sugawara is taken to the phone at the front desk.
"Hello this is Fuji-"
"Yes, hello hello hello. Could you put me through to Tobio's doctors please!"
"Okay. Give me a second sir." Sugawara waits for about thirty seconds before he yells
"HELLO?" down at the phone.

"Hello, sir. Is this Sugawara?"
"Yes, it is." Sugawara's heart starts beating out of his chest. Tobio can't be gone already, right?
"We were calling to ask you how far away you are."

A massive wave of relief came over him. There could have been a moment where they would say that he's dead already, but thankfully, he isn't.

"We're about 700 miles away, which should be maybe two to four days if we pick up our pace."
"Okay." Then a slightly muffled "See Tobio. They are coming."
"We'll see you soon Sugawara." The doctor says, before hanging up the phone.

The other four had been woken up by Sugawara's shouting, looking concerned over to him as he turns around to see them all awake. Sugawara chuckles nervously before getting back in the car.
"Sorry about that. Let's just continue going and forget about that, yeah?"

Shoyo, Nishinoya and Tanaka nod slowly while Tsukishima becomes impatient.
"Just hurry up and go. We haven't got all day."
"Right, yeah."

Sugawara starts up the car again, before driving out of the parking lot he had found last night.

"Are we just going to sit in silence again?!" Tanaka asks, peeping his head through the front, to which Sugawara sighs and passes the aux cord back to him.

Tanaka flicks through his phone as Nishinoya peeks over, pointing at a few songs as they laugh between each other. The laughing is cut off by Tsukishima doing the cliché 'anime glasses push up' and stating:
"Shut up and pick a song or I will." As Tanaka chooses the closest song to his finger and everyone stays silent.

The time: 11AM

First bathroom stop of the day, and probably one of two like yesterday. They managed to go about 120 miles as they picked up their pace some more, so only about 580 miles left, assuring they would get to the hospital in time at this rate.

All five hop out of the car and head straight to the bathroom, each of them coming back out at their own pace, Nishinoya and Shoyo coming out last.

"Here take these." Sugawara takes out the meat buns he had bought and all but Tsukishima's faces lit up. It was a nice gesture to cheer up a not-so-nice situation, and they weren't complaining.

Once Sugawara finishes his, he begins to leave again, trying to cover as much as he can before the night, making sure to stay on track and only stop when necessary.

The time: 3PM

Dead silence. All five have been sat in silence for about the past minute. Not even the music is playing. It's like 'Are you still watching?' on Netflix but it had affected all of the five in the car, not just the music.

They all think to themselves, 'who's gonna do it? Who's going to break the silence.'
"Just play the music again! This is awkward!" Nishinoya pushes Tanaka's arm to get him to start playing the music again.

Tsukishima stares the two down as they start to dance to Tanaka's music. Shoyo thinks 'Why not?' and starts dancing with them.
"Not you too." Tsukishima reaches in front of him, where the orange-haired male is sitting and pushes his shoulders down, ultimately making him stop dancing.

The time: 8PM

Second bathroom stop of the day, and about 150 miles later, they have about 430 miles left in distance.

Again, like before, all five flow out of the car and both go in and come back out at their own paces, Shoyo and Nishinoya coming out last yet again.

"Why is it always you two last?" Tanaka asks.
"I don't know, let's just go!" Nishinoya points, signalling Sugawara to go.

The time: 10PM

They managed to cover about 300 miles in one day, making them legible to make it to the hospital the next day.

Author-Kun: wOw an early chapter?! No! Yes. I had nothing better to do because my friend was at a con and the rest were asleep so yay. Do YoU tHiNk ThEy'Re GoInG tO mAkE iT tOmOrRoW? because maybe.

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