Chapter 9 - Goodbye.

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They all enter the hospital at the same time and Sugawara registers them in at the front desk. "Tobio's room is A16."
The five thank the lady at the front desk and speed-walk (no running!) to the room they were told.

The five run up the stairs, Shoyo and Nishinoya at the front as Tsukishima goes his own pace at the back.
"Hurry up Tsukki!" Nishinoya yells.
"Don't call me that, and I'm coming as fast as I can."
"Sure you are."

Shoyo pushes the door open then looks for the sign, which should point to where Tobio's room is.
"This way!" Shoyo points in the direction they need to go, before forgetting about the rules and sprinting as fast as he can.

No one was in the way for him to run into, like his unfortunate bathroom breaks where he always runs into someone.

The last corner is turned until Tobio's room. All he needs now is the room number.
"A16. A16. A16." Shoyo repeats to himself.

Then A13.
Then A14.
Then A15.
Then A16.

After everyone had caught up to Shoyo, he pushes the door open and....


But it was too late. They all abruptly look over to Tobio's heart monitor. A flatline. Tobio is dead, and there's nothing they can do about it.

"KAGEYAMAAAAA!" Shoyo yells, as he runs over to his hospital bed, tears already streaming down his face.
"It's going to be okay, Shrimp." Tsukishima comes up behind Shoyo and puts his hand on his shoulder, just for Shoyo to hit it off.

"No. This is not happening. NOT YET! KAGEYAMA DON'T LEAVE ME!"
"Shoyo... there's nothing we can do anymore."

Shoyo grabs his freezing hand and starts to hyperventilate, a few of his tears landing on the frozen hand.

One of the doctors come in.
"Oh, you're Shoyo right? The one with the fluffy orange hair?"
"Yeah.. that's me." He wipes a few of his tears away.
"Tobio liked to talk about you a lot. He told us about you when you played volleyball together. Oh and he left you a note. Here." The doctor hands the neatly folded piece of paper to Shoyo and he unfolds it.

The note reads:

To my favorite Boke,

If you are reading this note, I am unfortunately already gone, but I had to say this to you one way or another.

I love you. I always have. I was just scared to say anything in case you didn't like me back. It has pained me that I haven't been able to say this to you, and now I never will get to say it to you, unless through this note.

I'm extremely sorry for what happened those few years ago, and will never forgive myself. All of those fights we got into before. Words cannot express how sorry I am. Even if there were words to put together, I would never find them.

I'm sorry. I truly am. Both for what I tried to do about a week ago and those years ago. If I could hug you, I would.

Keep playing volleyball for me, okay? I'll always be there to every match. Maybe not in person, but in your heart. I am giving you the power to carry on. Good luck boke.

Just know that I will always be watching over you, until we meet again, my tiny giant.

~Kageyama xoxo
P.S, The doctor should have a photo of us for you to keep so you will never forget me. Love you.

Shoyo looks up from the now tear-drenched note that his shaky hands are holding, and the doctor hands him a framed photo.

Shoyo looks up from the now tear-drenched note that his shaky hands are holding, and the doctor hands him a framed photo

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"I-I can't take this anymore!" Shoyo takes the framed photo and holds it close to his heart.
"It's going to be okay, Shrimp. Stay strong. I know this may be hard now, but it will get better. You can cry it out. That's okay. Just stay strong for the rest of us."
"Thanks Tsu-" Shoyo cuts himself off.
"You're not usually like this, what's up?"
"I just hate seeing you like this. We all do." Tsukishima bends down to Shoyo's height.
"Don't lose faith."

Shoyo looks back and forth from the note, then to Kageyama, then to the other four, then to the doctor on repeat, for about a minute. He then drops the note, clenching his stomach.
"B-bathroom-" he says, running out of the room to the nearest toilets.

In the nearest stall, he threw up, with a mix of his tears along with it. Tanaka knocks on the stall.
"Hey, Shoyo, you okay?"
"Mh-" and he throws up more.
"There's one last thing that Kageyama had for you. When you get back into the room, it'll be waiting. The doctors and the rest of us are giving you some alone time with him."
"Thanks.." He says, flushing the stall and unlocking the door, but Tanaka was already gone.

Shoyo sluggishly walks his way back to Tobio's room and opens the door, to see a small crow plushie with a smaller crown on its head, with a small note, saying

Hope this reminds you of me.

He laughed a little to himself as the small reference as the 'King of the Court' memories flood back to him.

The other four peep round the corner, watching Shoyo say his final goodbye.

"Kageyama... I also always loved you. And no matter where you are now, I hope you are listening to me." he feels a comforting aura around him, signalling that Tobio is listening to him, in some form.
"I don't know how I'm going to live without you. I will find a way. I love you, and don't you forget that Bakageyama. I will always be here, and as long as you're still looking over me, I can do anything I can put my mind to."

Before he leaves, he plants a small kiss on Kageyama's forehead and looks over to the other four.

"Come on Shoyo." Sugawara says.

Shoyo picks up the note and framed photo before looking over at Tobio one final time.

"I love you."

He runs over to the other four before closing the door behind him and walking away, ready to start his new life.

The end...

...for now.

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