Chapter Thirty Four

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"Today?". His brows arched

And she nodded in response.

"Can't it be tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow might be too late"

"Aggh..." He snorted and casted a look around the lecture room. It was break period and almost everyone had gone out of the room while he decided to stay back and have a talk with Morenike.

There was also a group of three girls at a corner of the room having a round of gossip. And Earnest could bet he knew what they were muttering about,judging by those inquisitive glances they sometimes give towards him and Morenike.

"Tomorrow suggests you don't want to do it at all". Morenike said in the midst of a bite of a pie and offered it to him also but he mildly shook his head.

" Does it even make sense to do?". He rather asked,his gaze back to the gossips. He was heavenly certain they were astonished by the sight of him talking with Morenike.

They all knew the score. They all knew Morenike was the rude,black girl that had caused him to misbehave and get suspended some days ago. But none of them also knew what had happened behind the scene.

Yeah. Behind the scene was the time he was confined to Susane's little room and had to wince in hunger,if not for Susane and if not for Morenike.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. And Morenike had come at the right time. She had come to rescue him from the pains when almost everyone had abandoned him. Even Timothy. Even the evil doer,Daisy.

Shit. A mere thought of Daisy sucks him. He shook it off his head and looked towards Morenike for an answer to his question.

"Well,". She shrugged when she had noticed his expectant gaze fixed on her, " I'll say it's best way to start again. You even suggested the same thing sometime ago". She said after another bite.

"I think it should be other way round. They offended me and not that I offended them". Earnest almost screamed but remembered to keep his voice sensibly low to deny the eavesdropping ears. Something took his eyes to the gossiping girls again before he looked away nonchalantly. Whatever they like they should hear or say. His life at St. Avirns ever since the fateful occurrences had been characterised with gossips and rumours.

" They don't even know they offend you yet". Morenike was right. Maxwell and his crew would never have known that he had already discovered all their secret plans and moves. Daisy would certainly not have told anyone of them she had already let the cat out of the bag to him.

"Think I should barge into Max's office and tell him I already knew about it?". Earnest said in a half joke..

"Big fool act".Morenike almost raised her voice but a sip of a chilled tea kept it low.

Earnest smiled at her words. He was only joking too. It would be the most asinine move to make at the moment. Not even at his first day back in school.

"Think you should rather go to his office and apologize. Tell him you're most sorry for your actions and let him smile. Let him smile at his foolishness. Think that's the best way to show you're not moved by not leading the CAAS or school choir again". She advised.

And Earnest sank back into his chair and observed her as she talked. That was a splendid idea by her. It would really make a big fool of Maxwell. The man would think his secrets were still well kept and would smile at his apology. The man might even try to advise and warn him against going into such violent acts next time and all he would just do was to watch the man like a fool blabbing words.

"Or are you at all moved by it". Morenike asked after she noticed his silence.

Earnest smiled again and shook his head.

"Since I've met you. No". He said and spotted her face lighten. But it was not flattery. He had said the plain truth.

Those time before Morenike appeared to save him,he was already wilting to death. He was already at the core of great sadness. The Max and his crew's plans had moved him and made him bitter.

But when Morenike came in,she lit his world. She naturally made everything looked like fun. She made staying in Susane's room fun to him and enjoyable. She helped remould his family. She made him and Mercy friends again while Kemi and Gideon had been smiling ever since.

"Then go ahead and show that it never moved you".She challenged.

"I will" Earnest conceded.

"And it's today?"

"Yeah. Today"

"When are we going?"

Earnest shifted on his chair, "You will follow me?"

"I'll stay back by the door"


She simply shrugged in response and then took a sip of the tea again.

"You don't trust me?"


"You guys should learn to trust me on something". Earnest chuckled. It was not the first time he would be denied trust by those close to him. Daisy had not trusted him to ride a bicycle. Timothy had always doubted his ability to keep calm whenever he was alone with Morenike. And now Morenike was ---

She spotted Kate come into the room and waved towards her," Hi Kate"

"Hi". The small Kate replied now and still showed her little surprise at the sight of two of them together.

" Can you come over. Earnest wants to say something ". Morenike said and Earnest's eyes widened.

Hey. He muttered but she pretended not to hear him while the eager Kate scurried to join them at the desk. Earnest gave a light bang on the desk and suck in a sound of frustration.

" Hi Earnest ". Kate greeted hopefully and Earnest responded with a rude tilt of his head.

" Earn--"Morenike drawled and stopped,"You asked me to call her,won't you talk"She accused.

And Earnest gave an 'ahh' sound. She almost smiled at his shock. It was well time Earnest knew she could be a good actress too.

"Well,where's Daisy?" Earnest finally forced himself to say something and it was Daisy's whereabouts that came to his mind. He had actually not seen her,Michel and Timothy today.

"They've gone". Kate announced.

" They?. Gone?". Morenike's brows waggled.

"She and Michel. They left for the CAAS over the weekend". Kate explained in a sombre,low tone. She knew Earnest would not be pleased to hear about it.

" Oh,"Morenike did a little exclamation and looked at Earnest. He was really sad to hear that. It should pain him to imagine he was supposed to be leading the CAAS at the moment if not for those wicked beings.

"Daisy was very sorry,Earn". Kate also noticed the gloomy colours of his eyes," She admitted she should have refused to go for it but she could not do that. She stupidly got involved from the beginning and could not just withdraw when it had reached cusp. She was really sorry. Please find a place in your heart to forgive her". She narrated and along with Morenike,stared optimistically for his response.

"I've heard". Was all he shouted before looking sideways to distract himself from the sickening topic. And God helped him. He saw Timothy enter into the room with a pack of his regular cheese. " Hey Timothy". A glow suddenly came to his face.

But Timothy did not reply. He just stared despairingly at the sight of him,Morenike and Kate's gathering. He looked displeased about something he had seen and Earnest could guess it was Morenike.

"Greeting you,guy". Earnest still smiled and waved.

But Timothy would shun him again. He just shook his head quietly and started to walk back out of the room.

" Timothy. Timothy"He called after him until he was out of sight. He then looked towards Morenike and Kate who were equally stunned as he was.

And somehow,the whispering voices of the three gossips raised at the corner before going instantly silent after he shot them a steely look.

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