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"Can we get this over with already?", Catra asked annoyed, her eyes roaming through the Room. It was full of technological pieces and old furniture from the Princesses' castle, like the picture with the violet cat on it, for instance, which was at that moment resting on the Wall next to the Techie's Computer. "Oh but we must not rush! That experiment is very important! Rushing things might lead to overseeing or forgetting valuable informations!", Entrapta answered her, even though her Attention was hardly on the Force Captain and rather on her own Prototype. At this point Catra didn't even know what the Princess was working on anymore, seeing as she would often switch between her favorite projects whenever the mood struck her. "I don't want this anymore! This stupid place!", The Force Captain complained loudly and she dragged her claws through Entrapta's hair, she found the action strangely soothing and couldn't help but wonder whether Entrapta's hair was magical enough to have these soothing affects on everyone. Besides that, Catra had to admit that she liked the other Woman's Hair. The length, the color, the softness. She liked dragging her Claws through it. "Oh but just look at all this first one's tech here! We have to stay, please! Just a few more days!", Entrapta newly begged and finally turned around to face her Friend. "Days?!", Catra yelled, stepping closer to the Princess and pushing her slightly against the Table counter, an action that would've been intimidating to everyone else, but not Entrapta. Catra noticed how the Princess hardly ever realized it if she was in danger or not. An example for that would be the time she was tied to the Cell Wall and kept as a Prisoner after the Rebellion had left her behind. "Well have made a lot of process so far! Look at all that Data!", Entrapta gasped, as if the Force Captain had any idea of the symbols and numbers of her Calculations. However, the Princess went silent when Catra's face got close to her own, so close that they could even feel their Breath on each other's face. For a moment Entrapta wanted to pull her mask down, before she gently reminded herself that she took it off in oder to clean it. "All this dumb research! I haven't slept in like daaa-", Catra's sentence was interrupted as the Force captain yawned loudly. "Ooooo you have Fangs! Fascinaaaating! Can I take a look at that?", The Princess of Dryl asked, but her uncovered fingers were already touching the sharp Teeth presented in front of her. She hardly ever got to see Catra's teeth.

The Force Captain noticed the action and tried her very best to keep her Mouth open, but it just didn't work. Therefore she unwillingly closed her Mouth again, her Fangs sinking into Entrapta's finger in a way that made her cringe slightly. The smell of blood in her mouth didn't help the Soldier calm down at all. "Ouch! Oh that's sharp!", The Tech Princess gasped, but quickly recovered and opened her mouth widely, hoping Catra would mimic her actions as well; she was by far not done inspecting the Woman's teeth. "Are you okay?! I'm so sorry oh god oh god Hordak is going to kill me!", Catra asked quickly as she studied Entrapta's Finger. Blood was dripping from the wound and there was a slight scratch from where the Fang had scratched her. "Could you just-a liiiittle more.", Entrapta whispered as she tried opening Catra's mouth with her fingers once more. Catra knew the Princess well and was aware that once Entrapta had focused on a project, it would take a lot to stop her investigating and researching. So she decided not to try and keep her from it-she'd need another solution.

Truthfully, Catra hated herself for how she felt about the Princess. She cared about Entrapta, even though she told herself since a very young age she'd never care for anybody, especially not in that way. That wish just got stronger when Adora left. Now there was Entrapta though. Catra liked her, too much, in her opinion. Everybody in the Horde knew that Hordak liked Entrapta, you'd have to be foolish, not to mention dumb, to try make a move on her, Catra knew that. She wasn't dumb by any means. And as much as Hordak disliked their Hate-Annoyance relationship, it was still better than if he'd find out about Catra's feelings for Entrapta. Catra wasn't sure whether the Leader of the Horde was the jealous type of person, but she didn't necessarily want to find out either. So she settled on keeping her Relationship with the Princess strict.

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