Face Mask- Entrapdak

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Entrapta tiredly stumbled into her and Hordak's Sanctum at Dryl. It was very late already and for once Entrapta quickly agreed to go to bed. She was all set for bed already, but Hordak had not left the Lab yet. "Hordak? Hey Hordak?", She asked tiredly, but grinned happily when he came to stand in front of her. Suddenly his eyes glowed even redder though and his Ears shot up high.

"Ah! I-Your Face! What happened to you?! Are you hurt?! Entrapta!", He yelled and she felt him grab her Shoulders hastily. "What? Yes, I'm okay! It's just a Face mask!", Entrapta replied, giggling. She had never seen Hordak like that. It was kind of funny, actually. She yelped when he lifted her up and sat her on His Thigh, before she felt a clothe being pressed against her Cheek. It was a little uncomfortable to have the cold and wet sensation suddenly against her Skin, but she quickly grew used to it.

"Do not worry, I will save you from this", Hordak muttered as he carefully cleaned her Face. The Green color of the face mask was now on the Clothe as well. "Do not move.", He muttered and carefully held her now clean cheek in his large Hand. He was careful as ever, so he would not accidentally scratch her with one of this claws.

It happened once, but since then he had paid extremely much attention. Too much, in Entrapta's opinion. He even tried wearing gloves once, but they found out that he didn't like it at all. Not only did he sweat in them a lot, but also his Claws would sometimes push through them (Entrapta loved the look on his Face whenever that happened). She felt his hot Breath on her Face and it made her flustered once again. She tried stopping the blush from forming on her Face, but after just a few seconds it appeared on her Cheeks and the tips of her Ears. She just couldn't help it around him.

Soon the whole mask was off and she felt his Fingertips all over her Face, checking for injuries. "Are you hurt? Were you attacked?!", He asked, before he placed a small kiss on her Forehead; an action he had tried out several times in the last months. Entrapta noticed how she almost grew addicted to them already. "No! No, no, no! It's just a Face Mask! It's to, uh, improve your Skin and reduce pimples and I-", Entrapta was cut off by Hordak's own Words. "-You, and your Skin, are perfect already. You do not require this slimy curiosity.", Hordak explained with an expression she'd describe as a poor mix of a frown and a smile. It looked more like he was occupied in the bathroom, but Entrapta knew that he rarely smiled, or grinned for that matter, and therefore would still need training.

He looked charming anyway, Entrapta thought, in his own way. "Now, let's go to bed. I have noticed that you did not sleep as much as an Etherian should.", Hordak exclaimed, before he carried her out of their Sanctum and to their shared Bedroom instead. It had been a huge step for them, but the Lab Partners found each other's company nice and were calmed down greatly by each other's contact.

Entrapta's Nightmares had reduced to almost twice a Month and Hordak experienced less Pain in Entrapta's bigger and more softer bed. Also he was quite comfortable in her Cocoon of hair. His favorite advantage was though, that he now woke up to a cute scientist every day.

He set her down in the Bed, before covering her with the purple bed sheets. Nearly everything of hers was purple, Hordak noticed. "Will you come?", She asked tiredly and the former Horde Leader nodded with a slight smile; then he left into the Bathroom to get his Teeth (or more like Fangs, really) brushed.

When he returned to the Bed, Entrapta was half asleep already, her eyes closed and slightly snoring. He took off his Boots, then he carefully slid into the Bed. His Body hurt a little, but laying down would make it better. As long as he laid comfortably, he'd be fine. After a few seconds felt one of Entrapta's Pigtails wrap around his Waist, despite thinking she had fallen asleep already.

He sighed contently and slowly started dragging his Claws through the purple locks. He heard the Princess next to him sigh comfortably at the action and he thanked the darkness of the Room for covering his blush. He knew she enjoyed it every time he combed her Hair. He eventually closed his Eyes as well.

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