Ca(t)boom- Entrapdak

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Hordak was just working on a new Robot he and Entrapta were building. It's original use was to prepare food, tiny one, to be specific, but it sometimes still glitched- something they intended to fix.

That was when the former leader of the Horde heard a loud explosion, not only he heard it, but also the ground shook beneath his feet. He quickly sprinted out of the Laboratory at Dryl, calling out for the Princess' Name. The both of them had gotten very close since Horde Prime was defeated, they even lightly flirted, if you'd call it like that. (He wasn't good at it, but found that he enjoyed it nevertheless, especially if he was the cause for her cheeks reddening and a grin spreading on her Lips)

When he entered Entrapta's personal Lab, he couldn't believe what he saw. The entire Room was in pieces. Cleaning Robots were already around and killing some of the small flames, Shelves, Chairs and Tables were on the floor, some of them burned, some of them broken, there were several little bricks laying on the Ground, probably caused by said cleaning robots. (They had a habit of just storming through walls).

Now, Explosions weren't unusual at Dryl, in fact they happened almost daily. Yet the Thought that Entrapta could've gotten hurt always crossed Hordak's mind and worried him endlessly every time he heard a booming sound. He was certain it couldn't be healthy to care for a person like that, and therefore just kept blaming it on his defect. The way his hearts clenched in worry must have been signs of his Death, he mustered, but then dropped the thought when his heart fluttered once he made sure she was alright.

Except this time she didn't seem to be. Usually she'd already be out of the Room, quickly telling Hordak that she was alright, before she'd fling herself back to her Data pad.

Metallic pieces and tools laid on the Ground and Emily raced around anxiously, seemly there for the very same reason as him. "Entrapta?!", He called out, before he finally spotted purple hair on the Ground. It was hard to see with all the smoke on the Room, but thankfully Entrapta's hair color stood out greatly and made it easier for him to find her. He ran towards it, hearing Entrapta's quiet groan. Thankfully she seemed to be alive, he thought.

"Hordak?!", She yelled hoarsely. She was already used to seeing him after an explosion, he'd always come and check up on her. He quickly lifted the huge pipe on top of Entrapta and set it down next to her instead. He'd have to compliment his lab partner on the new armor later. He lifted her Body off the the Ground and held her in his Arms. For a second he felt his heart flutter again at how perfectly she fit into his Arms, despite their Seize difference. Her Hair weakly wrapped around his shoulders and her Head rested against his Chest.

He'd check her body for injuries, but there was so much smoke in the Room, that he could not see her body clear enough, but only feel her in his Arms. When he finally made it out of the Room and laid her down on the Ground in the Hallway, he nearly chocked on his own salvia.

The Alien gasped when he noticed the Tail and Cat ears on her, something he was by all means not used to. "What is the meaning of that?", Hordak gasped , his Fingers carefully touching Entrapta's violet colored Ears, which flicked and bent down at the contact, unwillingly, probably, like his own. They had a darker shade than her Lilac Hair, but were equally soft. "Oooh, how fascinating! Would you hand me a mirror, please?", the purple haired Woman asked and tried grabbing her own Tail. It was swirling around but eventually she got a hold on it.

"I was actually just experimenting with some of Catra and Double Trouble's DNA, but with the explosion it seemed to have..gotten in contact with my bare skin and gotten into my DNA, isn't that amazing?!.", Entrapta explained happily and Hordak watched as she used some of her Hair to hold a measure tape to the wiggling tail. No, it certainly was NOT amazing, he thought.

"We have got to undo this.", He gasped, but before he could continue, Entrapta spotted her own robotic Mouse and quickly started chasing after it on all fours.


Hordak was looking through the pieces of Entrapta's Lab, hoping to find something to take away the Ears and Tail again. He wouldn't lie, she looked as adorable as always, maybe even a little more adorable, but he would rather not have to get used to Cat- Entrapta. She reminded him too much of his former Force Captain.

As much as he already adored the wiggling Tail and her Ears, which would stand up high whenever she was excited, he did not want it to be permanent. The endearing fluff of her Hair would already make her the cutest Princess on Etheria, he thought quietly to himself.

Hordak was just sitting at her Desk when the robotic Mouse was dropped into his Lap. Then Entrapta joined its place on his Thighs. Her Ears stood high and her Tail started wiggling excitedly. "I got it!", She announced proudly and used the back of her Hand to push the Mouse closer to him. Hordak didn't quite understand what he was supposed to do, so he just took it and placed it on the Desk. "Thank you? We need to undo this though, I don't expect you want to stay like this forever. Now, any ideas how?", He asked, but Entrapta didn't seem to listen to him. That was fairly new.

Instead she slumped down against his Chest , her Tiny form fitting perfectly on his Lap. Hordak could hear (and feel) silent purrs, which became louder when he carefully caressed Entrapta's hair and scalp. He did not want to hurt her, so he paid very close attention to his claws while doing so.

The Alien quickly grew restless when her Tail continued to swirl around, even if she was seemly asleep already. Why can't it stay still?, he wondered. Hordak had no idea how to turn his Lab Partner back, but he hoped that the effects would just wear off after a couple of days. He just continued caressing her Scalp, before he let her purrs lull him to sleep.

This is really short, but I hope y'all like it anyway.
Any requests?

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