Failed experiment-Entrapdak

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"Ooo this is going to be so cool! I mean-cloning?! Imagine the possibilities!", Entrapta yelled excitedly. Her hair was working on five things at once and her two hands were occupied with her Work Tablet. "Ready, Wrong Hordak?", She asked loudly and the clone winked and nodded his head. Hordak wanted to yell at his Clone brother for winking at his Lab Partner, but he held back because he knew the Clone didn't fully understand winking yet. Also the Scientist tried to fold his ears back up; the Name 'Wrong Hordak' still made him blush every time. The Name Entrapta had chosen for the clone while she was looking for Hordak, he couldn't imagine why though. Why was this perfect Etherian woman looking for someone as defective as him? Especially when she was surrounded by some other-flawless-clones.

Hordak connected the wires to Wrong Hordak's Helmet, before he stepped back again. "Alright, ready?", He asked and both, Entrapta and the Clone, nodded grinning. Entrapta switched the flip with her hair and Hordak quickly pushed the welding mask over her face. She seemed to have forgotten it in all her excitement. They both stepped back again and watched as green light flashes filled the room. However, soon the computers started to shake. The Princess rushed to the console, trying to turn it off, before it exploded and all three of them were thrown back. Hordak managed to stay on his feet, given his Armor was so heavy. After a quick glance towards Wrong Hordak's way-the clone was already back on his feet- he rushed to his Lab Partner's side. The Woman was still on the Ground, rubbing her Head.

"Are you alright?", He asked and lifted her Face mask to check for injuries. He looked suspiciously at how large his hand looked next to her Face-larger than usual-but when her mask flipped up, he gasped and stepped back. If it wasn't for her magenta eyes and long, purple hair, he might not even have recognized her. His Lab Partner looked at least fifteen Etherian years younger, if not more. Hordak was not so sure of the Etherian time yet. The tiny girl first inspected the huge gloves on her Hands, before her and Hordak's eyes met. He was still shocked, but smiled a little when she reached her Hands up to him. "Hordak!", the Princess-now hardly older than nine years- exclaimed happily. By now Wrong Hordak stood next to him as well, gazing down happily at the young child. He was about to pick her up, but Hordak was quick to be the first to hold her. He held her tiny form against him and glared at his Brother. The Clone didn't know why, but he had an extremely big urge to protect her. He always had it, but now that he saw his Lab Partner in his innocent, young Form of herself..he just couldn't hold back. He was ready to fight everybody that seemed like the slightest threat to her.

Hordak felt the Girl reach up and play with his long ears. He felt them flick and bend down against his will and felt the all so familiar warmth of a blush on his Cheeks and tips of his ears. He felt her climb on his Shoulders, before he felt her hair wrap around his upper Bizeps. He figured she'd need nothing more to stay on top without falling.

He was almost a 100% sure that she'd grow back to her normal height and age after a few hours-maybe a day-again, but for now he was going to do everything in his might to take care of this tiny Etherian.

AN//Not very long, but now that I'm back to school it's really hard to find time for writing XD

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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