Sick Day-Entrapdak

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Entrapta woke up with a cough and a heavy one at that. Tears unwillingly formed in her Eyes at the rough pain in her Head, throat and Stomach, just seconds ago she was peacefully asleep and now her entire body hurt. For a short moment she wondered if Hordak felt this way nearly every day.

The Scientist abandoned the thought when she noticed that her whole body felt hot and was covered in sweat. No, she had never noticed Hordak sweat.

In the next Moment her skin broke out into shivers and her body shook unwillingly. Entrapta knew this and she did not like it, she was sick- it was undeniable. She was about to get up, to make herself some soup and beg for this nightmare to be over as soon as possible (she couldn't imagine the delay in her projects with her in such a bad shape), but then she remembered Catra's words. Leave me alone, purple Princess! You might not have it like this in your precious Dryl, but here in the Horde you don't get sick, get that?! You get sick, you get punished! Here you either hide or continue working! Now, if you tell anybody I'm not feeling well..

She quickly changed her mind then. She did not like punishments at all. Usually she could take them, but while she was sick? Not so much. She could hardly stay awake, so what if she was also forced to work? Or even worse, tortured?! There was only one way to go through this: hide! Like catra said! After all she was in no shape to fight off possible torturers.

Admittedly, she never experienced getting tortured in the Horde (Hordak himself promised to never let harm come her way), but she also never had been sick since she joined. As much as she liked to collect Data, the Princess of Dryl figured that she did not need to make that experience at all.

So instead of staying in bed with some soup, Entrapta forced herself to get dressed, trying hard not to vomit or pass out, although she had to admit how light headed she felt with all the overwhelming hotness around her. Once she was all set, she used her hair to get into the ventilation shaft, like she had done it so often already. She tried crawling through them some more, to get into a more comfortable position, but before she could do so, her body and eyelids felt too heavy and she let herself come to rest at last.


Hordak paced up and down in his sanctum, waiting. Entrapta should have been with him already, she usually never arrived late, quite the opposite actually, often he'd enter his Lab to find her working away excitedly already. The Ruler of the Horde quickly left the sanctum and rushed to Entrapta's Room (No, he didn't rush. He was not worried. He merely walked, quickly).

"Entrapta? Entrapta!?", He called out, but there was no reply heard. "I am coming in now.", He called out loudly, despite his Monster like look, he was a Gentleman and knew not to enter a Room without permission. He waited for about more five seconds, before he entered the room. To his great dismay, he found it empty. He lifted the bed covers, looked in her 'Bathroom', even opened her closets (he knew she liked to sleep in those sometimes), but did not find the Princess.

"Entrapta?! Please answer me! Where are you?", He yelled, desperation in his Voice. He could not pretend not to feel different about her any longer, he was no Idiot.

He loved her, as etherians would say. In his own Culture it was seen as that she was his Mate, and although he may have not been an idiot, he was not so forward with telling her about his Feelings. He left the Room again and continued to pace down the hallway.

"Force Captain Scorpia!", He bellowed, startling the tall woman in front of him. He recognized the Woman as Entrapta's friend already; he saw several pictures of them on Entrapta's wall, and they'd wave to each other's every time their paths crossed.

"Have you seen Entrapta? I cannot find her and she has not showed up to my sanctum this morning. It has been nearly three hours.", Hordak asked, before the Force Captain would get to speak. "Uh No, I actually have no idea where she is..SIR! I thought she was with you. You don't think she's in trouble, do you?-SIR.", Scorpia replied nervously. "Go look for her.", Hordak simply said, before he made his way back to his sanctum. He did not need to waste his time having a conversation with a force Captain, nor did he wish to have one.

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