Chapter 18

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You two had been flying across the sky for a while now, you looked over at Kars' should, you could see stars in the dark sky, you watched as the entire universe watched you back. Kars talked to you about space and stars, claiming he had seen them up close "maybe I could fly us to the moon and we could play among the stars?" he said playfully to you but inside he shuddered the thought of going back to his cold prison.

He landed on a cliff, and placing you down to the ground from his arms, "you know, it was adorable how you held me tighter for warmth," you felt something burn on your cheeks as you looked away from him, "Oh? do my words make something affect you?" he smirked at you as you looked at him with the expressionless face again, "I believe not."

He told you about his culture as he began to walk around you, doing various warrior poses at you and telling you how he had created something no one else could ever have done.

You looked at him with a raised brow, "what would that be?" he walked over to you as a devilish smile danced on his lips," I'm the one who created eternal life, meaning I can live on till the end of time." He whispered to you, "sounds like a curse to me." You said as you watched his smile grow more relaxed again, "to some, yes, but to me, it's a blessing."

Pucci had moved away from his 'important' studies to take a stroll, his thoughts were all over the place, he was questioning his loyalty towards Dio.

He didn't understand why, but something about you made him feel like this, he didn't want to walk away from his fate, but he felt your fate with him was stronger.

Soon enough he came to a stop as he noticed Kars walking around you as you stared at him with a blank expression on your face, not impressed by the large dark purple-haired man.

You kept asking him questions which he in order answered and avoided while trying to keep your attention on him, Pucci felt something inside of him twist, Made In Heaven appearing next to him as he tried his best to not lose his control.

Kars looked over at you with a sly smirk, as he stopped to lean closer to your face, "now I'm wondering, do humans do these things as my people would?" you looked at him with a confused face, "do what?" he smirked "this."

His lips were approaching yours, they were inches away from each other until suddenly Kars felt something fast approaching him, he snapped his gaze towards the movement before he felt something punch him with pure force making him fall off the cliff you two were standing upon.

Pucci walked towards you as you turned to face him, "please come with me," he said softly, "you'll lead me to the right place correct?" you asked as he nodded his head in response, adoring your voice.

As you two walked he linked his arm with yours, as he spoke about his abilities and what he could do with the power his master had granted him, talking about his god in admiring way before his face turned into an unreadable one, "I don't want to reset the world, I don't wish to lose you as the person that you are now, there's even a chance you won't appear with the new world, which brings worry to my heart."

You looked at him, you didn't understand why but your emotions were getting back as felt your cheeks turn red once again, he stopped walking, "I just want to be the one you love, and if I achieve to make you feel the same, I have reached the goal I'm dreaming of, believe me."

You looked into his eyes, they held worry within them, you couldn't believe what he was even telling you, "are you sure it's the true fate you want?" you asked him, "I couldn't be more sure." He said as he gave you a warm smile.

You suddenly felt someone tackle you as you saw familiar blond curly locks, it was him again, "Oh my love, my little liberty! " He held you as he gave a death glare towards Pucci, "Oh, I believe your god is looking for you, why don't you leave us be now?" Pucci glared at the President before he walked off to find Dio, Valentine turned his attention back to you as you struggled against his hold.

"Now I believe there's something we didn't finish no?" He smiled at you lovingly, "I believe there isn't." You told him before you tried to get him to let go of you, pushing your hand on his face as he tried to give you kisses, you decided to trip him, kicking his feet under him you watched him go down, "oh my love how you hurt me! but don't you fret my darling we'll lead a country together soon, side by side we'll be invincible against anything or anyone, we'll make the states the best on the entire world!" he spoke dramatically, you could see a leaf fall on his head, he looked at it before looking back at you with a smirk, "don't believe me? just ask me!" suddenly you saw a second Valentine appear under the first one's cape.

You started to back away, this was getting too weird for you.

"Love? don't go anywhere, not again!" both of them spoke at the same time while looking at you with lustful gazes, maybe you needed to find Pucci, you thought as you turned away while jogging away from the two Presidents. No, what were you thinking? he couldn't help you, all you needed was to make 'Walking In The Air' work, that was your true goal, you needed that, something deep in your mind told you of it.

"Love come back!" you could hear them you could escape them if you managed to get to your library? you stopped as you closed your eyes, waiting to see the empty bookshelves again.

You could feel they had caught up to you as two sets of arms wrap themselves around you, keeping your eyes closed you tried to focus, "my precious bird of peace, is everything alright? open your eyes, I'm not going to hurt you, I wish to do the opposite, love, my heart and actions are only that of love as you can see," both of them spoke, you opened your eyes you as you felt lips on both of your cheeks, your face becoming red, you closed your eyes quickly again, you could faintly see your writing desk.

Valentines looked at you as you kept your eyes shut, both of them leaned closer to whisper into your ears, "love, you're adorable, but keeping your eyes closed won't hide you away from me." they buried their faces on your neck, closing their eyes, both suddenly falling onto the ground, the second one disappearing away under the first one. He looked around in shock, as he kept calling your name before standing up, where did you go?

You made it, you let out a sigh of relief as you touched your face, it was burning red, you walked towards your desk and sat down on the chair, you could feel something on your neck however, you opened a cabinet and pulled out a small hand mirror, not sure why you knew it was there, you looked on your neck, seeing love bites on both sides, your heart began beating fast.

What was happening, this wasn't what you wished for, your face turned into a cold expression as you looked over at your desk, noticing more empty books had appeared, perhaps you could ease your mind by writing? Picking up the pen and opening the new fresh empty book and so the writing began as your thoughts still staying with you, putting the old pen back to its holder, you clenched your head in frustration, romance wasn't what you wanted to write.

You held your head as you took in deep breaths, you looked over at the text, you ripped off the pages and crumbled them up before throwing them away into the darkness, you needed to write something else, you couldn't let them affect your mind, you couldn't let them poison you, you picked up the old pen once more, holding it tightly before you continued writing down the souls' stories, you needed to finish your collection to achieve your goal, you still needed more this wasn't enough, you cursed to yourself, you'd have to go back. 

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