Chapter 23

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'You would believe your brains would also rest when you did, but in fact, in the rem stage of your dreams, your brains are more active than they are when you're awake. It makes some people think about what happens within our brains when we are in deep sleep. Some spiritual people believe that our energy travels away from our body and for the gates to open to let the energy flow, your brain needs to work a lot. Even though the brains work harder in the rem phase, the activity happens in different parts of our brain, so they aren't connected. Most likely our brains are sorting out the material we had given it when we've been awake, some are put in the storage, some are thrown out into the trash without a second thought.'

You've been waiting for a while now, Diego had been talking to you about horse races and all the races the jockey had won, you could feel proudness in his voice. "Sometimes cheating is allowed within the races, and oh trust me when it comes to that, I am a master." He spoke as he sat down beside you on the couch, "oh there are also quite a few ladies waiting for me back home, but if I'm honest the only damsel in distress I'll save," he leaned closer to you as he raised his eyebrows up and down, "is you." You looked at him with a poker face, "not impressed? this sadness me my dear," he said as he leaned back.

You stood up from the couch but Diego quickly snatched your wrist and pulled you back, you really wanted to see what the aura was about. You glared at him. "Sorry little lady, can't have you running away now can I?" He said with a lazy grin.

You narrowed your eyes once more, you could feel the aura strongly, it was coming from upstairs, you turned to look, of course seeing nothing but the empty staircase.

You looked at the jockey who was watching you, it was time to find a way to get upstairs and away from your 'babysitter'.

You stood up again, already expecting for him to pull you back down, you turned swiftly to kick his face as he tried, you were utmost sure one of the souls you had taken belonged to someone with great interest in the martial arts, you were grateful, learning from other's memories made you stronger than you had ever been.

You could see Diego look at you in shock as he held his face, his nose bleeding. You turned your gaze back at the stairs, now making your way towards them, you could see something faintly in the air. "WHAT THE HELL WOMAN?!" You could hear the jockey exclaim in pain, "oh I'm sorry it's a bad habit," you spoke as you started to go upstairs.

Diego got up from the ground and made his way towards you "now wait on just a second little lady," you could feel his grasp on your clothing, you looked into his eyes with a cold glare, "last time I was sure you were just a little helpless pretty lady but I can sense something's changed ey?" He looked at you with a glare before a sinister smirk came to his lips.

Sadly, he didn't seem to be able to sense your foot kicking him in his groin, you saw his eyes widen in pain as he fell down the few steps, crumbling in the ground in pain.

You started to move up again, you could see how little bit lighter the upstairs were and less dusty, you could see the aura faintly, it was dark purple and red, how sinister.

As you stood on top of the stairs you could smell something that you had forgotten about for so long, food. You looked to your right, you could see Kira holding up a tray, you could see curry bread on the white plate.

 You returned your eyes to his own, they were much darker this time, "oh where do you think you're going? See I have food here, you must be starving." You weren't, Kira turned his head towards the stairs as he heard the jockey whine in pain, you took this opportunity to move.

You sprinted away, you could hear the old floor broads creak under you as you followed the aura, it was becoming stronger. You could see it coming from a dark room, as you reached it, you could see Kira only a few inches away as you closed the door with full force.

You heard him trying to open the door but it didn't do much, you had to act quick his stand could easily remove the door, looking around you noticed a book on the dusty old table, picking it up you could feel the energy coming from it, the pages were empty as you flipped through them. Pen, pen, you needed a pen, your eyes looked around in pure madness, you could hear Kira speak through the door to you, but his voice was drowned out.

"[Y/N]? dear, there's no need to be shy now, just imagine by opening this door right now you could get some delicious food, doesn't that sound wonderful?" He could hear Diego groan more from the downstairs, you had managed to distract him by using the jockey, very clever. He pressed the side of his head to the door to listen, it was surprisingly silent on the other side.

"[Y/N] I do have to remind you that when I lose my temper things get rather chaotic," He warned you, he made Killer Queen hold the tray for him, he kicked the door down, the old wooden door came down in the one strong blow, cracking slightly as it fell on the floor.

He stepped into the room, shocked to find you writing furiously on a book, you didn't even flinch or turn to see him. He watched in awe as page after page was filled with text, he couldn't even read a sentence before the page was flipped.


He got no reaction from you, it was like you were in an entirely different world right now he snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the jockey slowly and painfully make his way upstairs. 

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