Chapter 48

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You looked around the shadowy room, you could see how truly dusty this place seemed to be, "are you here to meet the Noble One?" You head a voice say, turning around you could see a priest, "I hope to never meet him, I'm afraid." You told him, how did this priest get in here? Did he live here?

"My lord would appreciate your help greatly, he would repay you greatly." He said in a soft tone, "or are you one of the sinners?" His tone deepened, "I'm what a one would call a nonbeliever, Mr?-" "It's Pucci, Enrico Pucci." He said as he stood still, "how did you get here, 'nonbeliever'?" He asked you, not sure if he was mocking you, or if he truly was curious you stayed silent as you observed him.

"That whole practice of Ascension is adorably amusing," you suddenly told him, making him stare at you with a curious gaze, "like a kitten trying to walk upright." You scoffed at him as his gaze turned into an emotionless one, clearly not amused by your words.

You suddenly heard a thump somewhere as you could see your other self fall out of her hiding place, sighing you felt irritated how she was like, but you truly hoped she would expand her mind. Pucci turned to look at her in confusion, "are you two after the-" "this question has already been answered," you cut him off, "yes." The answer rolled out like venom from a snake's teeth.

He seemed to tense up as he glared at you, you could see your other self took this as the hint to leave, "now excuse me," you said while you began to make your way to the door, "I have many things to do, yet." You said as you closed the door behind you, shoving a chair to the door to make sure he would have a hard time opening it.

You could see your other self run to a different direction, sighing you followed after her, you could see bubbles in the air, they had stars imprinted on them, a standing attack you guessed, you could see a boy dressed as a sailor fighting alongside with a girl that had a green and black hair, rather interesting choice of a hairstyle.

They seemed to be facing an old woman with her hand covered and a guitarist with what you assumed to be a tattoo of lighting on his face, what type of a costume party was even going on over there?

"Look out Jolyne! I heard from Jonathan that the old woman controls dead bodies!" The sailor said to the girl named 'Jolyne' who only nodded in response.

The old woman cackled as the guitarist made a rather impressive solo with his guitar, but where was he getting electricity to that thing? Maybe it was a stand ability too.

You turned your attention towards an open door, you walked through it, finally finding the coward that had run away from you.

"We will go into the Light Rift right?" She asked, "have you seen any corpses here? Of course, we are going into the Light Rift!" You mocked her, you glanced back, seeing the priest observe you carefully.

You turned to look back at your other self, the two of you starting to make your way into the light rift, hoping to end somewhere where you would find a corpse part.

Pucci watched you go, he had seen many 'nonbelievers' but you seemed to be something else entirely, no matter he needed to follow his lord's orders, he needed to stop the Joestars, but his mind was still thinking of you.

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