Chapter Two.

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"Yo, Mad Dog!" Taylor shouted as she knocked on the door. "Do we have band practice tonight?"
Doesn't Taylor know it's Thursday, a school night? I have homework to do. She could've asked me this at school.
"Sorry, Taylor Swift," I yelled. "It's a school night. We have a lot of science homework to do. Come back Friday."
"Just so you know, it's only me here. The others are at their places."
Did I forget to mention Taylor is my neighbor? She lives a few houses across from me. She usually appears at my house at random times during the day. Okay. Let's get back to the subject about band practice. We only do it on Fridays because Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are school nights. Saturdays are when my brother and his band practice, and Sundays are the days of rest.
Dinner is the worst part of the day. I'm not going to lie, but my mom is an extremely good cook. How is dinner the worst part of my day?
"Andrew Joseph Carson! Get those headphones off you head NOW!!!"
"Whatever, Mom!"
"Honey, I dropped the salad! You need to make a new one!"
"Nice going Phil! There's dressing all over the floor!"
"Maddie is texting at the dinner table! Take her phone!"
That is why I do not like dinner. It's too much yelling and arguing. A.J. always has his headphones on at the dinner table. I never text during dinner! That is a sign of rudeness!
"Okay everyone! Let's be quiet now. A.J., would you lead us in the blessing?"
"Whatever you say, Mother!" A.J. yelled sarcastically. "Dear Lord, we thank you for this food. Amen!"
"There's got to be more than that! You should do it, Madison."
"Dear Lord," I began. "We thank you for the wonderful food that you have given us. We also thank you for the wonderful day you gave us, and the fact that we are all here together for dinner. Amen."
Dinner consisted of lasagna, breadsticks and salad. There was little conversation during dinner. I realized I had a Face Time chat with the members of the band at six o'clock. It was five forty.
"Mom," I asked. "Can I be excused? I have a Face Time chat to go to."
"Absolutely not!" Dad roared. "Everyday is the same thing! You're making zero progress with this band! You should break up the band and play guitar out on the streets by yourself for once!"
"Phil," Mom said. "Just because she isn't following your dream doesn't mean you need to ruin everything."
During Mom and Dad's conversation, I snuck upstairs and turned on my iPad. Hayley gave me a Face Time call.
"Hey!" she shouted. "Have the others joined in?"
"Meghan has just joined in," I said.
"Hey everyone!" Meghan replied. "What's up?"
"We're waiting for the others."
Then, Taylor joins in.
"Taylor Swift has just joined."
"That's good. Now, we need to wait for Kayla. She's always late for meetings and practice."
We waited for Kayla to call in. Then she sent me a text.
Got to do homework, she texted. Will be late.
"Is she joining or not?" Meghan asked.
Then, Kayla finally joined in.
"Sorry," she apologized. "I had one more question on my science homework."
"That's fine!" we exclaimed in unison. "It doesn't matter now! We're all here!"
"Any new business?" Hayley asked.
"Last weekend's benefit concert was a huge success," Taylor said. "The city raised ten million dollars from all the performances! Sadly, we are not famous."
"What else is new?" Kayla asked.
"I have a new song!" I shouted. "I shall play it for you on Friday. We can practice it. Oh yeah. Someone needs to video it."
"Why is that?" everyone shouted.
"Just for fun. It isn't something important."
"Okay then," Meghan said. "See you tomorrow at school. TGIF tomorrow! I have to do my science."
"Thanks for reminding me! See you all tomorrow."
I ended the call because I heard Dad walking passed my room. I went straight to my bed and started my science work. Thank goodness my dad didn't walk into the room.

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