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Created- 9-11-20 *NOT EDITED*

3rd pov.
One day in the Bunker Sam, Dean, and Cas where all lounging in the living room, Sam looking for a hunt and Cas and Dean staring lovingly at each other. Right now they where dating and had been for about four years now.

All of a sudden Sam ran to his room, came back after a minute, and dropped to one knee infront of Cas.

Castial looked very confused and Dean looked like he was torn between being mad and confused.

"Cas, would you do me the honor of becoming my brother in law?" Sam asked and the. Held up John's old wedding ring.

"Dude, did you just propose to him for me?" Dean asked shocked.

"Someone had to Dean!" Sam stated, he then turned back to Cas and asked "So is that a yes or a no?"

"Um... yes? I would like to marry Dean and become your brother in law." Cas stated while looking up at Dean.

"Great! Here you go *He gave Dean the ring* you two have fun!" Sam said cheerfully, hugged them both, and then ran out of the room.

"Well this is not how I thought this would go down but I'm happy you said yes." Dean chuckled as he slipped the ring on Cas's ring finger.

They kissed for a while and then pulled apart at the sound of a camera snapping and two squeals.

"Aww! You two are so cute! It took you long enough to propose!" Charlie yelled and then tackle hugged them (she had been staying at the Bunker because she wanted to and they wanted her to).

"Agreed!" Gabe laughed as he too tackle hugged them.

"So when are you going to propose to Sam? Or he propose to you?" Cas asked Gabe after they all pulled away.

"That is anothery story for another time, right now this is about you two!" Sam answered as he walked into the room.

"Well how about we go down to the local diner and have some dinner and pie to celebrate?!" Dean asked.

They all cheered and then left to go celebrate.

361 Words! I am sorry for being slow to update, I have been working on  another book with my OC's in it. Soooo yah, I am also sorry for it being so short!

(221castiel I know I shouldn't say sorry but its just what I do...)

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! 😁💖

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