"All By Myself"

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*Sabrial & Destiel* (Image Sam looks normal in the photo of him)

3rd pov.

In the Bunker one morning Dean and Cas where being all cutesy and couply.

All of a sudden they heard the song lyrics "ALL BY MYSELF" Blast through the walls making them jump.

"Where the Hell is that coming from?" Dean grumbled while he started to stand up.

"It is just Sam being jealous that we have each other and he doesnt have anyone." Cas replied while tightening his grip on Dean's torso so he couldnt get up. "Just leave him be, Gabe will take care of it." Cas stated while re cuddlinv into Dean.

"Ok." Dean sighed and cuddled Cas back. He then unpaused the movie and started watching again.

"Its the Heat Of The Moment!" Came from Sam's room, cutting "All by myself" off short.

"What the Hell?" Sam mumbled as he sat up on his bed. Once he was fully up and had "fixed" his hair he heard some wings fluttering behind/beside him.

"Go away Cas, I dont want to talk right now." Sam said withought looking at the figure.

"Try again Samoose." The angle replied with  a smile.

Sam quickly sat back up and looked at the figure. Gabe.

"What do you want Gabe? I will kill you before you kill Dean again." Sam stated while pulling an angle blade out of his bed side drawer.

"Calm down Sammy, I just wanted to talk." Gabe defended, his hands up, and his eyes flickering hurt for a second before going back to his normal fake happy mood.

"Why? What do you actually want?" Sam pressed while slightly lowering the blade.

"I just wanted to... um... want a sucker?" Gabe asked nervously while looking anywhere but at Sam.

"No thanks." Sam replied while putting the blade fully away now. "Are you ok?" Sam asked, shocking Gabe.

"Yah I'm fine Sam." Gabe replied, trying to look and act normal.

"Ok now I know somethings wrong. What happened? Are you being followed, someone trying to kill you? What?" Sam asked, noticing that Gabe didn't give him a nickname.

"Nothing, just... nothing." Gabe stated while shaking his head.

"I should g-" Gabe was cut off by Sam pulling him into a hug, making him blush.

"Whats wrong?" Sam asked as he pulled away from the hug and sat down on his bed, patting the space next to him.

"Well... *Gabe sat down with a sigh* I like this human, and I dont think they would ever like me back because he is a hunter and knows what I have done." Gabe replied while leaning on Sam's arm slightly.

"Alright, well who is he?" Sam asked, slightly hopeing it was him. For some strange reason he really liked this angle. He wasn't sure if it was the want to be with someone or if he truly loved Gabe, so he didnt say anything.

"Well I can't tell you or else it won't be a secret anymore!" Gabe chuckled making Sam laugh slightly at his reply.

"Alright, alright." Sam replied with a small smile, normaly when someone wouldn't tell him his crush, it was him.

"How about we watch a movie? Destiel are being all couply out there so why don't we be all friendly? Although we are watching Harry Potter and there is nothing you can say to change my mind." Sam stated with a small smile as he got the Harry Potter DVD and set everything up.

Once it was all ready he looked over at the bed to see Gabe hidden under the covers looking adorable.

"Take a photo, it will last longer." Gabe stated with a blush. Sam just smiled and walked over to the bed and joined him.

Throughout the movie Sam and Gabe moved closer together and by the end of it they where full on Cuddling.

"Its you." Gabe whispered once the second movie was over.

"Whats me?" Sam asked, very confused as to what Gabe was talking about.

"You, I like you. Now if you go excuse me I'm gonna go drive an angle blade though my neck." Gabe stated as he started to get up and out of the comfortable bed.

"Wait! I think I like you too." Sam stated while pulling Gabe closer to him, making it hard for Gabe to move (he could easly move him if he wanted to but decided against that).

"Really?" Gabe asked while turning around and looking at Sam, they where now extreamly close.

"Really." Sam breathed while looking down at Gabe's lips and then back to his eyes, silently asking for permission.

Gabe nodded and they kissed. Suddenly small fireworks flew up into the air and they heard a few "Yay!"s from the other room.

"Nice touch trickster. Now come on, im sleepy and want to cuddle." Sam said with his famous puppy dog eyes that make everyone give in.

"Thanks and alright." Gabe said with a chuckle, he then cuddled closer to Sam and watched the third Harry Potter movie.

Soon Sam fell asleep and so did Dean. They both had their angles watching over them... who knew Mary was right all these years?

867 Words! I am SO SORRY that I haven't updated in forever but I just got back from the beach! I am also sorry that this is mainly Sabrial but I wanted to write it so I did.

Anyway I hope you all have an amazing day/night!!! Love you all! 😁💖💖💖

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