The Bed

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*I have decided to take the points into account and use them in this oneshot...*
(No grace/ Human!Cas)

3rd pov.
Sam, Dean and Cas where all on a hunt. They had all decided that they would just share one room like they normaly did. What they didn't take into consideration was that Cas was human now, he needed sleep too. And there were only two beds.

"Looks like you two are shareing." Sam stated while flopping down onto one of the beds. He sprawled out his body to where he was filling up the entire thing.

"What? Why? Why can't he share the bed with you?" Dean asked, he was trying to convince Sam to let Cas share the bed with him so Dean didn't have to worry about shareing the bed with his crush.

Yes Dean had a crush on Cas, he would never admit it because he thought it made him sound like a little ten year old.

"He can't share with me because I take up the entire bed, also you two have a more profound bond." Sam replied with a smirk as Dean blushed.

"I could just stay awake. Or sleep on the floor." Cas stated while attempting to not grimace at the amount of dirt and grime on the floor.

"Hell no. This floor is disgusting and you need sleep, your human now. *sigh* you can share with me because Sam is being a b*tch." Dean said while flopping down onto the bed, not bothering to change.

"Just stick to your side." Dean stated as Cas layed down awkwardly next to him.

"Of course Dean." Cas replied while attempting to get comfortable. Sam was smirking happily, he was going to get his otp together!

All throughout the night Cas and Dean where bickering slightly.

"Stop elbowing me in the f*cking ribs Cas." Dean grumbled at one point, making Cas roll over so his back was facing Dean. No elbows near him.

Later on Cas had stolen all of the covers. So when Dean attempted to take them back, he woke Cas up.

"What are you doing?" Cas asked, his voice even deeper with sleep. Dean blushed but ignored it.

"You stole the covers and I want some!" Dean replied while trying again to get some of the covers back.

Castial then sprawled over Dean, making Dean blush even more, "Better?" Cas asked with a small smirk.

"Just give me some of the d*mn covers!" Dean replied while shoving Cas off and taking some covers.

When they woke up for good, Dean was up first. He found that Cas was cuddled into his chest. "Morning." Dean whispered.

"Noooooo, im still tired." Cas wined while cuddling more into Dean's chest. He was too tired to care.

Dean blushed even more as Sam saw them. "Aww aren't you two adorable." Sam cooed with a laugh.

"Oh shut up." Dean replied while throwing his pillow at him.

"I knew my otp would get together!" Sam smiled as he blocked the pillow.

"Ot what?" Cas asked while looking up slightly, seeing the sun, and then instantly returning to Dean's chest.

"Otp, its bacily me just thinking you two would be the cutest couple ever." Sam explained making them both blush.

"Shut up." They said in unison making Sam smile. "Just be up and ready to go before lunch. We still have a job to do." Sam stated, he then left.

"Dean. Do you like me? As more than a friend?" Cas asked, raising his head from Dean's chest.

"I-I mean... maybe?" Dean replied, not making any eye contact.

"Well I like you more than just a friend. If you would like to then would you be my boyfriend?" Cas stated while blushing.

"Um... sure. Yes I mean." Dean replied. Castial smiled happily, pecked Dean's cheek and then cuddled back into his chest. He fell asleep with ease.

Dean on the other hand didn't sleep because he had already had the best sleep of his life. He didnt know why or how but he did. So he just layed there, stroking his fingers through Cas's hair and thinking about the future. If they live to have one at least...

706 Words! I am so sorry for not updating in forever! I completely forgot that I was making this book! I have been making a lot of Sanders Sides things lately so if you also like Sanders Sides then check my things out please!

That's all for now! I hope you all have an amaizng day/night! Love you all! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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