"You broke him"

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*Pretend that Dean doesn't look like he is about to cry*

3rd pov.
It was a normal day in the Bunker when Dean came down to the kitchen.

He walked beside Cas to get some coffee when Cas hugged him and started saying something in Enochian.

Dean hugged back confused. "What is happening?" Dean mouthed to Sam who was watching this interaction happily.

"You broke him." Sam replied whith a chuckle.

"Well then how do I fix him?" Dean asked back, moving the hug so he wasn't so bent over.

"I dont know, try to make him stop taking, see if that works." Sam replied with a small smirk that he then hid in in coffee mug.

"Ok... Cas,Cas! Castial! Yo, whats wrong with you?" Dean tried, it didn't work. He then tried to step out of the hug but he couldn't. He couldn't move out of the hug at all.

"What the Hell is going on?!" Dean asked, showing Sam that he couldn't move his arms.

"Gabe!" Sam yelled making Gabe appear, sitting on Sam's shoulders.

"Whats up Sammy? Oh wait... its me!" Gabe said with a smile as Dean rolled his eyes and Sam tried not to chuckle at his pun making boyfriend.

"What is happening to your brother? Why is he hugging me and why can't I let go?" Dean asked, now resting his head on Cas's shoulder.

"Well he seems to be... in lack of a better word, claiming you. The reason why you can't let go is because you are ok with that. If you could escape the hug then you would not be ok with it and he would have stopped by now." Gabe explained making Dean blush brightly.

"Wait what?! Claim me? What's that supposed to mean, I'm a person not an item!" Dean exclaimed as Cas tightened his grip on him.

"We are all well aware of that. Claiming you is bacily his way of telling other angles, demons, and monsters that your his and that they need to back off or they will be put in pain and/or die." Gabe said while getting off of Sam's shoulders.

"And why is he doing this? How would he have known that I like him back?" Dean asked, not meaning to say the last bit.

"He didnt know that for a fact but it was pretty damn obvious. And he may have tried to do it because his older brother told him to." Gabe said with a laugh at the end.

"You did this?" Dean asked while Cas's eyes glowed bright blue.

"Yep, its almost over too." Gabe said with a sly grin.

After another minute, Cas let go of Dean and looked back at Sam and Gabe.

"What happened?" Cas asked with his signature head tilt.

"You just claimed Dean." Sam chuckled making Cas blush.

"I did? And it worked? Really?" Cas asked while looking between Gabe and Dean. He knew that Gabe had made him do it but he also wasn't very mad about it considering he did like Dean.

"Yah, how did you not know what you where doing?" Dean asked while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, well I'm pretty sure that Gabe made me do it. Causing my small part of memory loss but its fine." Cas said as if it was nothing.

"Wait what?! So you just claimed me off of Gabe's orders?" Dean asked while turning past Cas to get a beer.

"You just claimed him... you do like him right?" Sam asked, his protective younger brother mode active.

"It wouldn't have worked if I didn't like him and he didnt like me. Both partys have to like each other for it to work." Cas explained before taking the beer out of Dean's hands and replacing it with coffee.

"Why didn't we do that?" Sam asked Gabe.

"Because we've kissed, once an angle kisses a human they have claimed them withought all of the special effects." Gabe explained before kissing Sam.

"Eww, not infront of your brother please!" Dean yelled as he covered his eyes.

Gabe just flipped him off and slowly pulled away from Sam.

"Well now that you two are claimed to each other then why don't you two get together?" Sam asked Destiel while hugging Gabe, placing his head ontop on Gabe's head.

"Would you be ok with that Dean?" Cas asked while he walked into the livingroom, everyone else following him.

"I... I mean.. yah?" Dean stuttered with a blush.

"Yay! Ok I have made it happen, your together! Now lets go and watch some movies! I got the candy!!!" Gabe yelled while dragging Sam onto the couch.

"Um...ok?" Dean said with a confused blush.

So they all cuddled with their significant other and watched movies.

800 Words! I am so sorry that this was so bad. Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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