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*This is going to be at the Bunker and also have a LOT of fluff and cuddles!!!*

3rd pov.

One day in the Bunker, Sam, Dean, and Cas had just finished a case of Vamps. So they all celebrated by getting drunk, well thats what they where going to do...

Cas was the first to become drunk, considering he was human at the time. Sam had decided to only drink about two beers so he could later do some reaserch from the Bunker's library. And then Dean was only on his third beer so he was still fine, considering how much he drinks anyway.

"Heyyyy Dean, you have really pretty eyes." Cas stated as he finished his second bottle.

Sam looked at them with a raised brow and a smirk. Dean blushed slightly and then took Cas's beer away from him.

"Thank you light weight." Dean chuckled.

"Well this is his first ever time drinking for real, I mean besides the time when he found a liquor store and drank it." Sam stated while he started to walk out of the room.

"Ture." Dean nodded, he then realized that Sam was leaving him. Alone. With a drunk and flirty Castial.

"Hey! Dammit Sam." Dean yelled, knowing that Sam wouldn't come back.

"Whats wrong Dean?" Cas asked while moving over to Dean and hugging him.

"Nothing." Dean said, a bright pink blush forming on his cheeks.

"Can we go and watch something while we... what do you people call it? Cuddle?" Cas aksed with puppy dog eyes that could easly rival Sam's.

"Um... sure. As long as thats all we do." Dean stated after weighing the pros and cons in his head.

"Yay!" Cas giggled as he pulled Dean up by the hand and raced (as well as he could while drunk) to the living room.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Dean asked as they both sat down. Cas instantly cuddled into Dean's side with his arms wrapped around his torso and his head on his chest.

"I dont care." Cas yawned and cuddled deeper into Dean's warm chest.

"Ok, well how about... this YouTube show called Buzzfeed Unsolved? It looks interesting and we can say everything thats wrong." Dean said while looking down at Cas, blushing crimson.

"Sounds fun." Cas agreed, so they put the show on and started to watch.

Every now and then Dean would state that something was wrong, or that ghosts and demons are a lot more aggressive than that, or little details that wouldnt work, so on so on.

About half way through the thirty minute episode Dean heard some little, adorable snores emitting from Cas.

He turned the t.v. off carefully, got comfortable himself, and went to sleep.

"I am gonna have to explain so much tomorrow." Where his last thoughts before he drifted off to sleep.

478 Words! I am sorry that this was so short! I hope you didn't hate it and that you have an amzing day/night!!! 😁💖

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