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(Found this after I found the photo at the very top) *Human/no grace!Cas*Updated- 8-31-20 (NOT EDITED)__________________________________

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(Found this after I found the photo at the very top) *Human/no grace!Cas*
Updated- 8-31-20 (NOT EDITED)

3rd pov.

"Hey Dean! You are going to have to take Cas to get an anti possession tattoo. Gabe and I have a small case of Vamps to attend to but Cas needs that tattoo. So have fun!" Sam yelled as he and Gabe ran out of the Bunker.

"Be safe and DON'T TAKE BABY!" Dean yelled back, he was planning to take Baby to take Cas to get the tattoo done.

"Dean, will getting this tattoo hurt?" Cas asked as he came up from behind him. Dean jumped slightly and then turned around.

"Even without the wings you still manage to appear out of nowhere." Dean chuckled. "But it probly will hurt yes, not for too long though and I will be there for you the entire time." Dean reasured after seeing Cas's worried face.

"When are we going to go and get it done?" Cas asked while handing Dean a cup of coffee and taking a sip of his own.

"When do you want to get it done? Gabe and Sammy should be back some time tonight if you want them there." Dean stated with a nodd of appreciation for the coffee.

"Well when does the shop open? I want to go then so we won't have to wait for a long time." Cas asked with a head tilt.

"The shop opens in an hour but it is ten minutes away from here so we should leave in about forty minutes." Dean stated and then downed his coffee.

"Ok, what should we do until then?" Castial asked while ringing out his mug.

"We could watch some Netflix if you want." Dean replied as he moved to the living room and flopped onto the couch.

"Ok." Was all Cas replied as he sat extremely close to Dean and Dean put on some weird but addicting show about people that pretended to be monster hunters. (Kind of like Ghost Facers but not them.)

*Forty Minutes Later*

"Alright, lets head on out." Dean said as he turned the t.v. off.

He and Cas then left to go and get his tattoo.

*Once They Get There*

Cas sat down on a waiting chair while Dean went up and told them what they wanted for Cas. (Idk, I have never gotten a tattoo.)

Dean soon came back over to Cas and told him "Some chick is going to give you the tattoo over here, come on." While motioning over to a chair in the far left corner of the shop.

So Cas moved and sat down in the seat while the lady got her equipment ready. "Have you ever gotten a tattoo before?" She asked Cas after seeing Dean holding his hand.

"No, I haven't needed to until now." Castial replied making Dean smile sadly.

"Alright well this is gonna hurt a little bit." She warned before starting on the tattoo.

Cas's grip on Dean's hand instantly tightened. Dean started running his fingers through Cas's hair and say some soothing words to him. She noticed and decided to try and distract Cas with some small talk.

"So, how long have you two been together?" She asked already having the star part done.

"Seven years." Cas replied, thinking she meant known each other.

"Well I hope I hear some wedding bells if you come back to get the wings complete." She stated making Dean's face flame up and Cas give her a confused look.

"And your all done, see that wasnt so bad." The lady said while putting the paper stuff on it so it could dry (idk I'm just making stuff up).

"Thank you." Cas and Dean said in sync. "Your welcome, you can pay up front at the register." She replied as a woman came in to get her tattoo.

So the two left to go and pay.

*Time Skip... They Are Now At The Bunker*

"Thank you for coming with me." Cas stated as he and Dean entered the Bunker.

"No problem." Dean replied as he and Cas sat on the couch.

They had gotten lunch on the way back home and so now they had decided to watch some more of the show to see how much they could see would work and what wouldn't.

After a few minutes into the first episode Dean felt something heavy on his shoulder. He turned his head slightly and saw a sleeping Cas.

He chuckled slightly and picked him up bridal style. He then carried him over to Cas's room and set him down on the bed and left.

*Time Skip to now Sam and Gabe are here*

"Hey Dean-O! Where's Cassie?" Gabe greated as he and Sam came into the Bunker covered in Vamp blood and guts.

"He is asleep in his room, he got the tattoo and then fell asleep while we where watching some werid show on Netflix." Dean replied.

"How did that go? Any complications?" Sam asked as he took off his bloody shirt causing Gabe to look him up and down.

"No, I mean other than the lady thinking that Cas and I have been dating for seven years because he misunderstood a question." Dean replied, blushing at the memory.

"Well he wasn't exactly wrong, you two act like a couple so... all you have to do is make it offical! You both like each other." Sam said with a smirk.

"Who likes who?" Cas asked as he came stumbling into the living room. Dean glared at Gabe and Sam as to say "Not a Word" withiught talking. Of course Gabe didn't care and started talking anyway.

"You and Dean obviously love each other, so could you please kill the sexual tension and get together?" Gabe asked, trying to hide a smirk.

"Can you two go away for this?" Cas asked, shocking the other three. Sam and Gabe walked away and into the kitchen where they could easdrope on the conversation.

"Look Cas, I don't know wh-" Dean started off but Cas cut him off. "Look Dean, im not stupid. I knew exactly what the lady meant when she asked how long we have been together. I like you more than a friend, I think I love you. If you don't return the feeling then thats fine, just pretend that nothing happened. If you do return the feelings then would you be my boyfriend?" Cas asked while looking straight (ha) into Dean's beautiful forest green eyes.

"Um... yes, I would like to be your boyfriend." Dean stated, dumbfounded at how Cas just acted (he thought it was kind of hot).

"May I kiss you?" Cas asked in a much calmer tone then he had used before. Dean nodded and they slowly kissed.

The next thing they know there was a camera snap and two squeals. They quickly pulled apart to see Gabe and Sam standing there with Charlie and Jo on one phone and Bobby, Crowly, and Jody on the other.

"FINALLY!!!" They all yelled together making Destiel blush furiously.

"Man to think it only took Cas getting a tattoo to make this happen."

1200 Words! See I told you I would have longer oneshots! Anyway, I hope you liked this oneshot and that you have an amazing day/night!!! 😁💖

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