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Created- 9-1-20 *The art above is only inspiration, it will not be in the book*
⚠️Angust with fluff ending⚠️

3rd pov.
One night Sam, Cas, Dean, and Jack all where in the Bunker after a hunt. After they had all cleaned up and changed into their pj's they all colapsed onto the couch. They had just gone against a family of werewolves and they where all exhausted.

After one movie of Harry Potter (Jack had requested they watch it) Dean decided to go to sleep.

"Im gonna head to bed, yall have fun." Dean mumbled before going to his room. Right once he layed down he was out like a light.

⚠️ Nightmare ⚠️

"Hello Dean." Castial said while popping up behind Dean. "Hey Cas, where are we?" Dean asked while looking around into the black abis.

"This is where you and Sam will end up when you die. You two will never have the luxury of Heaven, never have the fight of Purgatory, you won't be torchered in Hell again, you will come here and go insane. Nobody will be able to save you. Not that anyone would try." Cas stated.

He then snapped his fingers and Sam was there tied to a chair and all bloody, he looked like he was trying to keep a hold of life and was slowly failing.

"SAM!" Dean yelled as he tried to run twards him, only to be held back by Castiel and Jack. "LET ME GO!!!" Dean screamed, by now he was crying and full on struggling against them both.

"Im sorry Dean but we cant do that." Castiel stated and then Jack used his powers to fully kill Sam.

"NOOOO!!!" Dean screamed, tears pouring out of his eyes. This wasn't only Sam's death that was killing him. This was the fact that Castiel and Jack wouldn't help him. The fact that Jack had just killed Sam, the fact that Castiel wouldn't heal him and instead insisted on killing his last blood family member.

️ End Of Nightmare ⚠️

Dean suddenly bolted up, sweating, crying, and his throat felt sore so he figured he had been yelling. All of a sudden Sam, Cas, and Jack all came running in. Sam had his gun out, Cas had his angle balde and Jack had himself.

"Whats wrong?!" Sam asked hurridly. They all looked around the room and just saw Dean laying on his now messed up bed looking a mess himself.

Despite his self pride Dean got up and hugged Sam, confusing them all but Sam hugged back never the less.

After a minute Dean pulled out of the hug. "Alright, all of you go back to bed, especially you Jack." Dean stated, trying to keep the venom out of his voice. He knew that it was just a nightmare considering he just hugged Sam but he still couldn't help it.

"Ok? Good night dads." Jack said, seaming unfazed by Dean's tone. "Night kiddo." Cas said as Jack walked out.

"Night Dean, Cas, if you need anything you know where my room is." Sam stated before walking out and going back to bed.

"Dean? Could you tell me what your nightmare was about? It should help you. You shouldn't keep them inside yourself like that." Cas asked as he sat next to Dean on his bed.

"Well *sigh* to sum it up you took me to some black abis and told me thats where Sam and I would go when we die. Then Sam showed up and you nor Jack would let me help him. Then Jack killed him." Dean stated, one tear fell at the memory.

Cas hugged him and stated "Jack would never kill any of us, I would never hold you back unless there was a real reason, and Sam is alive, I promise." Cas then moved them both so they where laying down on the bed.

"I know." Dean replied, he was trying to stay awake but his eyes where getting heaver again and between that and Cas's warmth he ended up falling asleep with his head on Cas's shoulder.

Castiel used some of his angelic powers to make sure that nobody in the Bunker would have anymore nightmares that night so they could rest peacefully.

709 Words! This was ok, I hope you didnt hate it! I also hope you have an amzing day/night!!! 😁💖

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