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pretty girl

{ ryan's pov }
as the candle chris had lit, lit up the room i looked around to see 2 old fancy chairs and a table with flowers in the corner. an old metal desk that chris was leaning on. a bookcase right next to the door and a huge painting of what i was thinking was chris's family. it was a cute little room. very vintages and rustic.

chris watched me as i observed the room. he smiles when i meet my eyes back with him.

"cute room huh?" he giggles.

"yeah. is that your family?" i ask pointing to the painting on the wall, trying to make conversation.

"well yes, but not quite. but that's a story for another time." i gave a slight confused smile and he walked over to the window on the far side of the room.

"so tell me about yourself, ryan." he says with a sophisticated tone.

"there's not much to tell. i'm 19, i go to Sky Field university and enrolled in law.." he stops looking at the window and turns to me. he walks slowly up to me and puts his finger on my chin.

"anything else love?" he thickens.

"not really" i said it as more of a question than an answer.

"i think there is more to tell." he leans in to my ear and let's out a hot breath.

"tell me, everything." i gulp and part my lips getting ready to talk. i didn't know what he wanted me to say.

"i don't know what you want me to say chris." i laugh. he smirks and leans back.

"you should call me christian." i personally liked calling people by there nicknames not full names.

"and why's that?" i asked while tilting my head.

"it's sexier." he smirks.

i couldn't help but laugh. he gave me a 'mad' look. after seeing him i quickly shut up. he walked up to me and grabbed my waist. he put his head on top of mine and sighed.

"it wasn't a joke, my love."

"my love?" i questioned. a second later someone barged through the door, i turn around and see it was calum.

"you guys have to come downstairs now!" he demanded. so we did as he said. when we got down there i see luke with a black eye with an ice pack at his forehead and miranda passed out on the floor.

"what the bloody hell happened here?" chris's voice was stern and sophisticated.

luke walked over to me and gave me a hug. when he pulled away i gave him a 'what the hell happened look'. he nudged his head to the other room.

when we entered what i was thinking was the living room we sat down.

"what happened to you." i asked with a concerned tone. he put his head down and looked like he was about to talk.

"some kid was talking shit about you and i fought them. easy to say" he winced and put his ice pack to his head once again.

"why would you do that?"

"because i care about you rye. you're my best friend." i smile and kiss his forehead. then walked back up to go into the kitchen. when i got into there i see chris holding up his sister while ashton is yelling.

"everything alright?" i asked. they all turn to me and give me a dirty look. they continue to do what they were doing. i roll my eyes and walk over to calum.

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