Chapter 15

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"Stop crying idiot" 

Semi woke up from his daze looking at himself in the mirror. 

"You ok dude?" Miwa was fixing Semi's hair. 

"Yea i'm fine. You know your'e a lot like your brother." Semi look at the girl from the mirror. 

"Rude." Miwa finished up his hair and walked away. 

Semi heard loud voices coming from behind the curtains. 

"This will be your first concert since you got sick." Semi looked back to see Tendou walking up from behind him. 


"It will be ok, just pretend you're singing to him." 

Semi walked onto the stage. All eyes on him, but he couldn't see them, It was only Shirabu. Just him. 

"Please, Please dont leave me........

Semi walked off with tears rolling down his face. He saw the bridge slowing down as he climbed the fence looking down. He watched the water and is ran fast down the stream.

"Enough to kill a man."

He jumped...but someone caught his arm. 

"Is this really what you think he would want." Semi looked up to see Ushijima grabbing onto his arm. 


He pulled Semi up. "Is that really what you think."

"no...but i" 

"Please, why do you think he gave his life for you? Just to die anyways. Waste." Ushijima let go of Semi and walked away leaving the other alone. 

He fell to his knees and look up at the sky. "You should have just let me die." 

A bright light came in from the distance. It came closer and closer. Semi stood but it was too late. The truck slammed into him.   

Killed on impact. 

"Fucking dumbass" 

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