Chapter 13

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Sinker, Boost, and Warthog had found Comet sitting on top of a gunship and glaring at a random door in the hangar. He didn't acknowledge their presence when they sat down next to him on the gunship. Nor did he say anything when Boost pulled him into a hug. Comet just leaned into the touch but still glared at the door. 

Wolffe walked into the hangar, wanting to get the gunships ready for the 104th's mission in a few rotations. His normal and cybernetic eye glanced around until meeting the harsh gaze of Comet's. Wolffe glared back and saw the rest of the Wolfpack with Comet. He growled and stalked out of the hangar. 

Comet saw Plo Koon talking to Obi-Wan Kenobi on the far side of the hangar. They were looking at him. They're probably making the arrangements for me to go with the 212th, Comet thought bitterly. Leave it to Wolffe to kick me out of the Wolfpack, Comet thought but he accidentally said it aloud. 

"Wolffe's just being Wolffe. He'll probably regret saying what he did. You know how he is." Sinker shrugged and gave Comet a sympathetic look.

"I doubt it. Wolffe's just a mean control freak." Comet stated. None of the Wolfpack noticed Wolffe next to the gunship, that they were sitting on.

"I am not a control freak! Mean, yes. But not a control freak!" Wolffe growled, climbing onto the gunship and sitting farther away from the Wolfpack. 

Comet frowned. "You are a control freak. You never let me do what Fives or Hardcase do! If they do whatever they do, why can't I?" 

Wolffe sighed. "I'm just trying to keep you alive! Hardcase and Fives are idiots. The things that they do will get them killed one day. I'm trying to make sure that you don't die with them."

Comet huffed and then crossed his arms. "Now, you're just making up excuses. Let's face it, Wolffe. You're nothing but bantha fodder!" 

Wolffe looked shocked before he glared back at Comet. "Listen here, you runt. If you don't want to be protected then that's fine. See if I care. If you get injured in battle or doing something stupid, don't expect me to do anything. I'll just sit back and let you do whatever the kriff you want." Wolffe hissed. "You might as well be dead, already," he added harshly.

"Hey, boys? The Separatists have called for a full-scale invasion on Hisseen! We need to go now if we're going to stop them!" Plo Koon yelled.

"Hopefully, Comet doesn't die on this mission. 'Cuz if he did, you'd regret those words that you just said, Wolffe." Boost glared, elbowing the Wolfpack leader.

"Right, like Comet's going to die. He's been fine on every other mission. He hasn't even gotten a scratch, he's not going to get an injury on this mission." Wolffe growled.


The battle was intense, it seemed as if either side wasn't going to win. The casualties on the Republic and Separatist sides were brutal. The odor of blood and burnt metal was surrounding the planet's air. Blaster fire was dying down each passing minute as more droids and clones were shot down. 

Wolffe, as usual, was leading the battle from the front. Warthog was up in space trying to blow up the Separatist ships. Boost and Sinker were trying to drag a fellow 104th trooper to a medic. Comet was far away from the rest of the Wolfpack. He wasn't in sight of them or Plo Koon. He was busy fending off a commando droid that he didn't see the explosive coming straight at him until it was too late. He was shot into the air from the blast. The single blast that caught the attention of Wolffe, Sinker, Boost, Plo Koon, and the rest of the 104th battalion. 

"WHERE'S COMET? COMET WHERE ARE YOU?" Sinker yelled just as Comet landed on the ground, unconscious and badly burned. Wolffe looked over at the clone that he didn't know was Comet, and ran towards him. Wolffe stopped shocked and fell on the ground as he realized the clone was Comet.

"MEDIC! I NEED A MEDIC! KRIFF, IF A MEDIC DOESN'T GET HERE SOON, I WILL BITE THIS WHOLE BATTALION! INCLUDING MY WOLFPACK! MY PUP IS HURT! MEDIC, GET OVER HERE!" Wolffe yelled as he pulled Comet's unconscious form into his lap. He slapped Comet's face trying to get him to wake up. The medic ran towards Comet and the look on his face was enough to make Wolffe go into a full-blown rage. 

Soon the battle was over and the Wolfpack, minus Comet, was glaring at Wolffe. 

"You said you'd stop protecting him and now look what you did. If he doesn't die from the explosion then you'd be lucky, Wolffe." Boost hissed. 


The medics had worked on Comet as much as they could. However, all of the bacta tanks were already occupied and regular bacta patches wouldn't work for Comet's injuries. Comet was taken to Kamino so the Kaminoans could heal him. Not that the Kaminoans wanted to. They wanted to just kill him off instead of healing him.

"I think the best thing to do is kill him. He's a burnt crisp, there's no healing him." said one of the Kaminoans.

"With all due respect, sir, you are not killing my brother. Are you that kriffing stupid?" Wolffe growled. The rest of the Wolfpack nodded in agreement.

Plo Koon gently laid his hands on Wolffe's shoulders. "I'm sorry but what my son is trying to say is that it is best to heal Comet. If you guys cannont heal him, I'm sure that our Jedi healers will."

"Fine, we'll heal him. I'm warning you all, though, he may not survive this." the Kaminoan said.

"And why is that, you long-necked alien?" Wolffe hissed making the Kaminoan glare at him.

"Because his health is critical. He's already dying. I'm afraid there's no hope for him but we'll try to heal him, anyways." 

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