Lunchtime Confrontations (Brittany 2.0)

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So we have added a new person to our little group, Talia is really a great addition, she is cool and calm, she surprised us all when she opened her mouth and a great singing voice came out, like dude, dang.  Anyway we were all sitting in the court yard, I had my guitar, Bella had hers, Cas had brought her little keyboard, Mitch had out his laptop with a sound board that he had installed there, and Talia surprised us all when she busted out a violin.  We played around for a while until we ended up with a stripped down version of Titanium, Cas played on her keyboard and we took turns singing,

(side note Talia's voice is like Jessica Sanchez's look her up)

Pres: You shout it out,
But I can't hear a word you say
I'm talking loud not saying much
Talia: I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet
You shoot me down, but I get up

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Pres and Mitch: Fire away, fire away
Bella: Ricochet, you take your aim
Pres and Mitch: Fire away, fire away
Bella: You shoot me down but I won't fall
Pres and Mitch: I am titanium
Bella: You shoot me down but I won't fall
Pres and Mitch: I am titanium

Mitch: Cut me down
But it's you who'll have further to fall
Ghost town, haunted love
Bella: Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones
I'm talking loud not saying much

Cas: I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Pres and Mitch: Fire away, fire away
Cas: Ricochet, you take your aim
Pres and Mitch: Fire away, fire away
Cas: You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
Bella: I am titanium
Pres: I am titanium

Cas: Stone-hard, machine gun
Fired at the ones who run
Stone-hard as bulletproof glass

Talia and Bella: You shoot me down but I won't fall
Pres, Mitch and Cas: I am titanium
Talia and Bella: You shoot me down but I won't fall
Pres, Mitch and Cas: I am titanium
Talia and Bella: You shoot me down but I won't fall
Pres, Mitch and Cas: I am titanium
All: You shoot me down but I won't fall
Pres: I am titanium

"Hell yeah you guys!" I said as I gave Bella a highfive, we heard some clapping from around us to see that the people around us enjoyed our little show, Bella stood on the bench next to me and gave a very dramatic bow,

"Thank you, thank you we'll be here all period." I rolled my eyes and pulled her back down to her seat.

"We need you guys, back." I turned and saw Blaine, Sam, and yes... Artie.

"You guys, you know our answer." Cas said,

"Yes but please hear us out," Artie said, I turned around to look at them, they all stood and looked at everyone in the group, but they mostly looked at me.  I'm guessing thats because they thought I was the ring-leader.

And they were correct.

"You guys I understand that you don't agree with the way some of us have been acting."

"Strongly disagree actually, but continue." Bella said, (Oh yeah and Bella quit too, well I think... I'm not really sure what happened actually) I kept looking at the three of them, quietly.

"And we are changing that, our whole dynamic is changing," Blaine said, "and we have gotten off of the popularity train, I think for good,"

"And you guys are amazingly talented, we need your voices in the choir room," Sam said, I stayed quiet,

"It's empty without you Pres, without all of you guys." Artie said, I stared at him then swallowed and looked away up at the other two, then at my friends behind me, they all stared at me waiting for me to say something. I grabbed my backpack from its spot next to me and stood up.

"We'll think about it." I said as I saw the rest of my group gathered their things as well. I walked off to go and get to my next class...

We need you Pres...

That line stirred something in my gut... and I'm not sure how to feel about it.



The next day I am getting my lunch in line and I hear the assholes from before open their ignorant mouths, cause I was just minding my own business when...

"Is that all I get, Jumbo? Why so stingy?" -Idiot number 1

"They must let you eat all those leftovers, huh?" -Idiot number 2

"Quit it." Marley said stepping in, "That's my mom."

"Whoa! You came out of that?" -Idiot number 2

"Were you an only child or do you have a twin who's still in there?" -Idiot number 1  "Dude, imagine the size of her dumps."

"Enough." a guy said stepping in, he looked hella familiar, "Say you're sorry, to both of them."  They both glared at him in silence, "You know what? Screw it." and with that he flipped the lunch tray out of the guys hand and the idiots flew at him but the guy... whats his name... JAKE THATS IT, well anyways, he seemed to handle himself nicely. But I stepped in anyways,

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Come on, tough guy! You're coming with me." Mr. Schu said dragging Jake off, he looked at me, "Your next," he pointed, I think that he was supposed to be intimidating...

He failed...


"Ok, well this will be fun since now I don't have to hold back, so here is what's going to happen, you arrogant, inbred, Herpy lookin, losers," I said raising my voice, the people around me got quiet, "First off you are going to apologize to her and mean it, but since your mental capacity is very limited to just making fat jokes you seem to really need a lesson in originality so here we go.  First off you both are so extremely pathetic to the point where you are making fun of a middle aged woman who works in this cafeteria, seriously dudes? Do you have daddy issues or something? I mean lashing out at someone who feeds you at lunch everyday, wow," I looked around gesturing to everybody, "Ladies these are some fine catches right here." I took a breath, "But anyways since you are so keen on people's looks, lets asses yours shall we?" I said looking at the both of them, "You look like you left your dick in your sister, seriously, let your family tree brach out a bit." I then turned to the other one, "and you look like some sort of Urkle-Snoop Dog Love child, that was dropped one too many times as a baby." I heard some laughter but it was quickly shushed, "What I'm basically saying since you have an IQ of 2 is that you are some fugly dudes and should stop overcompensating for your insecurities." I turned to see almost everyone in the cafeteria looking at me, so I stood on the table. "I want everyone of you to listen to me and listen well cause I am only going to say this once.  If I even hear that anyone of you were making fun of our lunch lady, I will find you out and make your life a living hell.  If you don't believe me, or think I'm bluffing.  Test me, I dare you... Also let me just make one thing very clear, I am the head bitch at this school and if you fuck around with anybody that is one of my people or just act like a dick in general, you will regret it." I paused boring my eyes into certain people in the crowd, "Carry on,"

And with that, everyone snapped out of it and went on with their lunch.

I jumped down from my table and smoothed out my skirt, Marley came up to me,

"Thank you," I gave her a half smile,

"No problem," I said, "I always look out for my people,"

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