Chapter 2

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Your P.O.V.

After losing the last challenge, me and the others on my team were forced to sleep in an old cabin. I've been getting to know my other teammates better and I like them all except for Duncan.

The ones that I feel like I'm connected with the most is Dawn, Mike, and Zoey. I've only know them for a few days and it feels like we known each other forever. I woke up early and decided to go for a walk around the camp when, out of nowhere, I bumped into Dawn and we both fell to the ground. We just didn't say anything before I got up and helped her up too.

Y/n: Oh, Sorry about that.

Dawn: It's alright Y/n, I wasn't paying attention.

Y/n: Couldn't sleep?

Dawn: Yeah, it happens sometimes.

Y/n: So, what brought you back to the show?

Dawn: Those contracts he made us sign in season four.

Y/n: Always read the fine print, right?

Dawn: Yeah.

We didn't say anything for a couple moments so I decided to say something.

Y/n: So want to get some breakfast?

Dawn: Sure.

With that we went to the mess hall for breakfast, but we had no idea we were being watched.
Alejandro's P.O.V.

I had gotten up early to get some fresh air when I see the newbie talking to that Dawn girl. Luckily, I was able to hear them without them noticing before they went to the mess hall.

Heather: What are you doing?

Alejandro: Getting some air, I could ask you the same thing.

Heather: Like I'd tell you.

Alejandro: Come now, there's no need to act this way to me.

Heather: You think I haven't noticed you taking an interest in the new guy? Because I know you're gonna try to form an alliance with him.

Alejandro: And what if I am?

Heather: Well it won't work, because he'll be forming an alliance with me.

With that she left and I was left to think of how to get Y/n to work with me. I had to make sure Heather could form an alliance with him first.
Your P.O.V.

After me abd Dawn went into the main hall the rest of our team came in one by one.

Courtney: Hey, Y/n.

Y/n: Yes?

Courtney: I just wanted to thank for standing up for me a couple days ago.

Y/n: Don't mention it.

As soon as the rest of the team arrived we started thinking about strategies to help us win the next challenge. Then the intercom went off as Chris spoke up and told us to get changed meet him down at the beach.

Once we all got changed we started making our way down to the nearby beach. On the way I saw Dawn in her swim suit and waved to her as she waved back. As soon as we arrived we saw Chris on the beach and I noticed a couple platforms on the water.

Chris: Alright your next challenge is simple, one of your teammates will carry the rest to the platform on the water. And to make things more difficult, I've placed some minor 'distractions' to slow you down.

Duncan: Why am I not surprised?

Chris: And, just for the heck of it, I'm not letting you choose who to carry the others.

Y/n: I know I'm going to regret asking, but why?

Chris: It'll be more fun for me that way and I'll choose two names from this hat and whoever u call has to do it. Okay so it's Y/n for the tigers and Alejandro for the seagulls.

I then looked at my team and I knew it was going to be hard.

Y/n: So, who am I carrying first?

Cameron: I believe in the lightest, so I guess I'll go up first.

With that Cameron got on my back and I started to make my way across the beach and to the platform.
Dawns' P.O.V.

For the last few days I've been getting to know Y/n better since we first arrived on the island. He seems to be a great guy, but for some reason my heart feels like it skips a beat when it's just us.

Then when Chris told us to get changed and go to the beach we did. I noticed that Y/n was waving to me and I waved back. I felt my face start to warm up and I tried my best to make sure that no one noticed.

Zoey: So you and Y/n huh?

Dawn: What?

Zoey: Well you two have practically been spending lots of time together.

Dawn: W-well were just friends.


Zoey: She is so crushing on him.
Mike: Zoey thinks Y/n and Dawn might like each other. So I'm gonna help her find out if it's true or not.

Confessional ends

Then after Y/n got most of the team across it was down to me and Duncan. And all of a sudden I felt Y/n pick me up and my face started turning red. It was easy for us to get across since all of the sharks and other animals let us pass. Then Y/n went to get Duncan and I had a feeling it would be difficult.
Your P.O.V.

It was just down to me getting Duncan across to the platform in order to win. Alejandro still had to get Heather and Jo across so I knew we could beat them.

Y/n: C'mon man get on my back.

Duncan: What? No!

Y/n: Dude if you don't then we'll lose the challenge.

Duncan: So? Who cares?

Y/n: We don't have time for this!

With that I picked him up by force and started making my way to the platform. It didn't make things at easier when Duncan kept struggling and it caused my to keep heading into traps. As soon as we got to the water I was pretty beat up. However I managed to make it across before collapsing to the floor.

Chris: And in a crazy turn of events, the winners are the Terrific Tigers.

The rest of my team, minus Duncan, started cheering as Dawn knelt down to my level.

Dawn: You did it Y/n, you won us the challenge.

Y/n: Awesome.

With that we got back over to the beach and went back to the cabins to change. Afterwards we all went into the resort to relax and have real food when Dawn came up to me.

Dawn: Hey Y/n, I just wanted to say you were really great out there.

Y/n: Thanks Dawn.

With that we spent the rest of the day together just hanging out and enjoying the others company. Later on we found out it was down to Heather and Jo for both no agreeing with Alejandro. But in the end Jo got the boot in a vote of six to four.

Chris: And that ends our second episode. Who will get kicked off next? Will the tigers start a winning streak? Or will the Seagulls bounce back? Find out next time on Total! Drama! Tropical Island!

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