Chapter 4

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Your P.O.V.

I have been having lots of fun here on the island and I've been spending most of it with Dawn. I don't know why but when it's just us I feel my heart beat fast and my face heat up. I don't know for certain, but I think I'm falling in love with her. I just had breakfast and was just outside minding my own business when Mike came up to me.

Y/n: Hey Mike, what's up?

Mike: Not much, hey I gotta ask you something.

Y/n: What is it?

Mike: Do you like Dawn?

That question caught me completely by surprise. I felt my face heat up as I just froze and not knowing what to say.

Y/n: I...Uh...

Mike: I knew it.

Y/n: Was it that obvious?

Mike: Yeah, pretty much everyone knows you like her man. I think you should tell her how you feel about her.

Y/n: But what if she doesn't feel the same about me?

Mike: You won't know until you ask.

Dawn's P.O.V.

I had been spending a lot of time with Y/n ever since we arrived on the island. I think I've fallen for him since my face heats up and my heart races when I'm near him. I was in the bedroom trying to think when Zoey walked in.

Zoey: Hey Dawn, I've been looking all over for you.

Dawn: Hello Zoey.

Zoey: Hey, is it okay if I ask you a quick question?

Dawn: Sure.

Zoey: Are you in love with Y/n?

As soon as she asked I felt my face heat up really quick. I didn't know if my feelings for Y/n were that obvious.

Dawn: Uh.... What?

Zoey: So it's true, you do love him.

Dawn: Yes, but I have no idea what I should do Zoey. I've never felt this way about someone before. How do I even know that he feels the same way?

Zoey: I'm sure he does, you just have to ask him when your ready.

Dawn: Thanks Zoey.

With that we share a quick hug before Chris speaks up via the intercom.

Chris: Morning campers, enough beauty sleep, it's challenge time.

With that we made our way to the main lodge and I sat down next to Y/n. I saw him smile at me and I just smiled back while blushing.

Chris: Today's challenge is going to be a classic game of dodgeball. It'll be just like the dodgebrawl challenge from Total Drama Island. So everyone meet me down at the beach in ten minutes.

With that we all started to make our way down to the beach. Once we all arrived we saw a big glass box with a dodgeball court inside.

Chris then started explaining the rules and that if your hit or someone catches your ball then your out. Then people went into teams of five on each side of the court. It was Y/n, Duncan, Courtney, Cody, and Sierra verses Alejandro, Sky, Dave, Heather, and Lindsay.

Your P.O.V.

It was a complicated game of dodgeball and it was really hard even for Duncan. It was supposed to be the best out of five matches and both teams were tied. We were trying to figure out a game plan to win the last match. And it didn't help that Cameron wasn't able throw a ball properly.

Courtney: Alright, the game is tied and we need the last point for the win.

Duncan: So does anyone have a plan?

Y/n: Well Alejandro and Sky seem to be their best players. So I say we try to get them out of the game first if either of them get sent in.

Zoey: He's right, we won't stand a chance otherwise.

Duncan: I say my strategy still works.

Courtney: It may have worked in season one, but it hasn't this time.

Mike: She's right, we've just been lucky.

So with that we agreed on my plan and one by one people started going on and off the court. After what seemed like an hour it was down to Cameron for us and Dave for the seagulls. We were all curious and who would win since they both sucked at the challenge.

But it ended up badly for us in the end since Cameron threw the ball and it just bounced over to Dave. And as soon as Dave threw it back and it managed to hit Cameron so hard that it put a crack in the glass when Cameron hit it.

Chris: And the winners: the Superior Seagulls.

With that they started cheering and carried Dave out while Chris walked over to us.

Chris: Tigers, what happened? You all did so well up until now.

Nobody said anything since we had no idea what to say about it. And It just sucked now that we had to send one of our friends home.

Elimination ceremony

We had all cast our votes about who should go home tonight. I felt bad for the one I voted for since I had a feeling the others voted for them too.

Chris: Alright, I only have eight marshmallows on this plate. If you don't get a marshmallow then you'll be out. If I call your name then it means you're safe. Dawn, Mike, Zoey, Duncan, Courtney, Cody, and Sierra, you're safe.

After we each got a marshmallow I noticed it was down to me and Cameron and I was pretty nervous.

Chris: Cameron, you're on the chopping block because you couldn't throw a ball. And Y/n, you're on the chopping block because.... Uh... whatever Y/n you're safe man.

With that I let out a sigh of relief knowing that i was safe. I still felt bad for Cameron, he was a good kid and didn't deserve to go.

Chris: Sorry Cameron, you're done.

Cameron: Sorry I let you guys down.

Y/n: Hey, you tried your best, that's all that matters.

With that chef grabbed Cameron and put into the slingshot. Hey was about to say something but Chris launched him off into the distance before he could.

Chris: What can I say, it sucks to be him right now. Who will be shot out next? And will the Tigers be able to bounce back? Find out next time on Total! Drama! Tropical Island!

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