Chapter 10

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Dawn's P.O.V.

I was so happy that me and Y/n were now a couple. And it even looks like everyone else is happy for us too. So I was sitting with Y/n enjoying breakfast with him.

The others decided to give us a little privacy and it made us both feel like we were on a date. We were just enjoying each other's company when Chris came on via the intercom.

Chris: Attention campers, please make your way to the north side of the island for today's Pain-tacular challenge.

Y/n: And, once again, he has decided to ruin our chance at having a nice breakfast together.

Dawn: Well, it's not like we won't be coming back soon.

Y/n: I guess you're right.

So we made our way to where we had to meet Chris. Once we arrived we were all confused when we saw several wooden chests.

Chris: Alright, before I reveal today's challenge I have a very special announcement. As of today, the teams are no more, so that means it's every camper for themselves.


Y/n: Man, I can't believe that I made it to the merge. I thought I would be gone right now, but I guess this underdog is better then they thought.

Confessional ends

We all started to cheer as the team's were done. And I could tell by the others auras that they would all try to partner up.

Chris: Now onto today's dangerous... er, adventurous challenge. As you all can see there are several wooden chests behind me. And each of them require a key to be unlocked.

Y/n: So it's like the "search and don't destroy" challenge from season one?

Chris: That's right, Y/n! Each camper has to search for there key that has been hidden on the island. So each of you will have to pick a key location from this hat to find out where you have to search. And one of the chests has an invincibility pass. The one who gets that will get to stay in the resort with the camper of there choice.

One by one we all grabbed a piece of paper from the hat to reveal our keys location. Mike had to search a bees nest, Zoey a cave, Duncan by the beach, Courtney in the forest, Heather a bear's cave, Alejandro at a beaver damn and pond, Shawn in the nearby mine, and Jasmine in a cramp tinnel. After they got there locations it was down to me and Y/n, so I choose next. And when I grabbed a piece of paper and I was surprised at what it was.

Dawn: A skunk hole?

Chris: I was honestly hoping that you wouldn't be the one to get that.

Then it was Y/n's turn and I felt bad for him when he revealed what his was.

Y/n: Chef's Kitchen?! Seriously?!

Chris: Its the only one that's left Y/n. And I'd be careful, Chef is in there right now and isn't leaving any time soon. And to make things harder, no one can help anyone else in this challenge.

Jasmine: W-What? S-So I h-have to go i-in a cramp tunnel, b-by myself?

Chris: Yep! Now get going because those who don't come back with a key may be eliminated along with whoever else is voted off.

We all just gasped at the sudden news about it possibly being more then one elimination tonight.

Chris: That's right, so you better make sure you get your key in the next eight hours starting........ NOW!

With that we all had ran in different directions to find our key. And It took me a while, but I found where the skunk hole was. And I was able to easily get the key from my friends. And I just hope that Y/n will be able to get his key like me.
Your P.O.V.

I made my way over to the mess hall where the key was. I got into the roof to look in through the skylight and saw chef inside.


Y/n: This is going to suck.
Dawn: I hope Y/n can get his key.
Chef: I was hoping to get Heather, but the new kid will do just fine.

Confessional ends

So I started to think of different ways to get chef out of the kitchen. But none of them seemed like it would work for many reasons. Most of them involving being nearly killed by a psycho chef if I was caught. So I decided to wait for the right time and I ended up waiting for over six hours.

Then I saw chef make his way to the freezer and got an idea. So I slowly opened up the skylight and stealthily dropped down. As soon as Chef walked into the freezer I locked the door and started to look for the key. After a few minutes of searching I couldn't find the key anywhere. And out of nowhere the freezer door burst open and saw chef with the key around his neck.

Chef: Looking for this? (Chuckles)

So I decide that it was best to escape and try to find another way to get the key from chef. So I started to run and luck seemed to be in my favor. As chef was chasing me outside he had missed a step on the stairs and hit his head on a rock.

As soon as I checked to see if he was alive I took my key and ran as fast as my legs could take me. I didn't want to be there when chef woke up and when I got back that everyone else was there.

Chris: And it looks like you got back just in time Y/n. Another five minutes and you would be gone.

So then we all got to open up one of the ten chests. And each of us got different prizes from the chests. Both me and Dawn got some of our favorite snacks and Jasmine got an invincibility pass. So I guess she was glad she was able to face her fear and get her key.

Chris: Alright, so it's time for you to vote for the first time as individuals. And that means anyone but Jasmine can go home tonight.

Elimination ceremony

After we all cast our votes we all made our way to the bonfire. I was honestly a little nervous about who would be the one leaving tonight.

Chris: Alright, the votes are in. So if I give you a marshmallow you're safe. Jasmine, Shawn, Duncan, Courtney, Alejandro, Heather, Zoey, and Dawn, you are safe.

Then I realized it was down to me and Mike and I was really nervous. I had a feeling Heather or Alejandro was trying to get rid of me. So I was ready to use the invincibility statue if I had too.

Chris: Mike, you could be going home for almost killing Heather, Alejandro, Duncan, and Courtney. And Y/n, you could be leaving because... You... Er.... Well your not, Mike is leaving tonight.

Mike: Aw man.

So we all said our goodbyes as Chef put Mike onto the slingshot. Then Chris had launched him and he heard him scream as he flew off. Afterwards, me and Dawn found Zoey on the porch and felt bad for her.

Y/n: Hey Zoey, it's going to be ok.

Dawn: Its true.

Zoey: I know, but last time Mike was voted off I went nuts. And I even felt like I couldn't trust anyone.

Y/n: Well, you can trust us.

Dawn: And we can help you any way that we can.

Zoey: Thanks guys.

With that we said good night to one another and went to get some sleep. And I knew that it would just be getting harder from now on, but at this point I didn't care. As long as I had Dawn and my friends, I could care less if I one the money or not.

Chris: And with that we're now down to only nine campers. Will the remaining campers drive each other nuts? And how much more pressure can Y/n take? Find out next time on Total! Drama! Tropical Island!

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