Chapter 5

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Dawn's P.O.V.

After losing the challenge we all had to sleep in the loser cabin. It was early in the morning and all the others had just woken up. Zoey and Courtney were talking ad I was meditating when Sierra was on her computer before she got our attention.

Sierra: Hey I got some info on Y/n.

We were all curious about what she found so we all gathered around her.

Zoey: What did you find?

Sierra: It turns out that he the son of a world famous wrestler. It also says he is excellent in school and he can speak French, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. And that he is also a big fan of recycling and protecting nature.

Then they all turned their attention to me for some reason. It made me feel a little uncomfortable because of my feelings for Y/n.

Sierra: Well?

Dawn: What?

Courtney: Aren't you going to ask him?

Dawn: I-I don't know what you're all talking about.

Zoey: C'mon Dawn, we all know that you like Y/n.

I had no idea how I was going to respond. I was worried that Y/n wouldn't feel the same way.

Sierra: You should stop worrying, we're all sure he feels the same way.

Courtney: We've all seen the way you two look at each other.

Zoey: Alright you two that's enough, she'll tell Y/n when she's ready.
Your P.O.V.

I've been pacing back and fourth for the last twenty minutes. I wanted to tell Dawn how I felt but didn't know how she'd respond. Then after a few more minutes of pacing Mike, Cody, and Duncan got fed up with it.

Duncan: Dude, just tell her already.

Mike: He's right, if you don't tell her before one of you leaves, then you'll just regret it.

Y/n: But what if she doesn't feel the same way?

Cody: You won't know until you ask. Don't dwell on the negative and try looking on the bright side.

Y/n: You're right! I need to tell her, I just don't know how.

Mike: Well help you.

Then Chris came on through the intercom and had told us to come to meet him at the main hall. We all started walking down a path and I had noticed that Dawn by herself a couple feet ahead. I looked back and Duncan decided to push me forward and forced me to walk with Dawn.

Y/n: So...

Dawn: So...


Y/n: I want to tell Dawn how I feel, but I don't know how. Every time it looks like I'm about to get a girlfriend I always mess it up somehow.
Dawn: How am I going to tell Y/n how I feel? I don't want to mess it up a drive us apart.
Mile: Zoey just told me Dawn likes Y/n and I told her Y/n likes Dawn. We just need to find some way to get them to tell each other how they feel.

Confessional ends

I had no idea how I should tell Dawn how I felt her and we just walked in silence. I was about to say something, but it was to late since we arrived at the main hall.

Chris: Alright, now that everyone is here we can get started. Your challenge is going to be the classic game of hide and seek. Its just like the "hide and be sneaky" challenge from season one. And all you have to do to win for your team is be the last one found.

Y/n: There's a catch, isn't there?

Chris: Yep, if you get found, chef will electrocute you with a taser. So I would strongly suggest not getting found for your own good.

With that we got a ten minute start to go and we all went different directions. Both me and Dawn made my way to a nearby cave and went inside. We hid behind some rocks and just sat in silence for a while. I decided to take a nap, so I laid down on a rock and everything went black.

Mike's P.O.V.

Zoey and I had went to the main hall in order to try and stay hidden from chef. While we waited we decided to try and come up with a plan to help get Dawn and Y/n together.

Mike: What if we set them up with some dinner date?

Zoey: We would need to get real food and I doubt will get any. What if we trick them into telling the other?

Mike: That might break our trust with the two of them. Man, this looks so much easier in the movies.

Then all of a sudden we heard someone coming up the steps outside. So we ran and hid in the kitchen as chef came in to search. After a few minutes he left and then we made our way out the back door. We would have to make up a plan after the challenge.

After a couple of hours chef managed to find almost everyone. Chef just found Sky in a makeshift tree house she built. And it was all down to Dawn, Y/n, and Alejandro being left.

We were all walking when we heard a twig snap and we all stopped. Chef then started to see if anyone was nearby and he had found Alejandro in a hole he cover with fake grass. With that Chris called us nack we back to the camp.

Chris: I gotta say that I'm impressed that the Tigers are the winners once again. Wait, aren't you guys missing a couple members?

We all noticed that Y/n and Dawn were missing, so we had to go look for them. We spent the next twenty minutes looking for them before Zoey and I had entered a nearby cave. When we got inside what we saw had taken us both by surprise.

We both saw Y/n and Dawn asleep and they were both cuddling one other. So I shook the both of them awake and as soon as they both woke up they both were shocked to see what had happened while they were sleeping.

Your P.O.V.

After I fell asleep I was woken up by someone shaking me. When I woke up I was surprised to see Mike and Zoey both standing right over me. But what had surprised me more was that Dawn was sleeping right on top of me. Then she started waking up and saw that she was on top of me we both became a blushing mess before we both got up off the ground.

Dawn: I-Im sorry.

Y/n: N-No it's fine.

We were both blushing like crazy and I had no idea what I should say. Then I saw both Mike and Zoey grinning at me again, so I quickly changed the subject.

Y/n: S-So, did we win?

Zoey: Yeah, we won again.

Y/n: C-Cool.

After that we all returned to the resort to celebrate another victory. Later on we had found out that Dave had been eliminated. It turned out that he had accidentally given away his, Shawn's, Jasmine's, and Sky's location during the challenge. After a while I decided to go for a walk by the beach and had ran into Dawn.

Y/n: Oh, hey Dawn.

Dawn: H-Hey Y/n, I just wanted to say sorry about earlier.

Y/n: Its alright, it was an accident.

With that we just sat down and enjoyed each other's company. I don't know what's going to happen next, but I know that I can take it.

Total Drama Male reader x DawnWhere stories live. Discover now