Chapter 3

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Your P.O.V.

I was actually surprised that we won the last challenge. And I have to say that I like the resort we were in. I had got up early again and decided to get a view of the camp from the balcony. I was just enjoying the peace and quiet until I heard someone.

Alejandro: Psst!

I looked over to see none other than Alejandro standing on the roof.

Alejandro: Hola Y/n, how are you?

Y/n: Good, how about you?

Alejandro: Alright, listen I'll get straight to the point. How would you like to form an alliance with me?

Y/n: What's the catch? There's always a catch in these situations!

Alejandro: I just need your help to find the invincibility statue before Heather.

Y/n: Alright, I'm in.

Alejandro: Good choice my friend.

With that he jumped off the roof before heading back into the loser cabin.


Y/n: Yeah, like I'd trust Alejandro. I got to find the statue or at least make sure that he doesn't.

Confessional ends

After that I went back inside to join the others for breakfast wondering how to make sure Alejandro doesn't get the statute. Then Chris said that we all had to gather in the mess hall for our next challenge. After about ten minutes we had all gathered in the hall and began to wonder what Chris had in store for us this time.

Courtney: What do you think our next challenge will be?

Cameron: Chris scares me with his challenges sometimes.

Chris: Then you'll hate me for this because it's time to face your fears.

Everyone just gasps in surprise and start whining about not wanting to be humiliated. Chris then leads us all to a "fun house" that contains all of the campers deepest darkest fears.

Chris: Okay the tigers will take the tunnel on the left and the seagulls will take the tunnel on the right, now get moving!

With that we all went inside and each made our way through the "fun house". One by one everyone started making it through their rooms. Courtney had to swim through green jelly, Cameron past several robot Izzy's, Duncan past some Celine Deion standies, Cody past a robot Sierra, Zoey had to get past a bear, and Mike had to avoid snakes.

(A/n: I don't know what Mike and Zoey are afraid of, so I just went with the fist thing that came to mind.)

As for the other team, Brick had to go through a dark tunnel. Gwen and Jasmine had to go through a cramp underground tunnel. Alejandro had to listen about how his brother is better than him. Lindsay had to walk through a minefield in high heels. And Heather had to fight against a sumo wrestler.

Right now the Seagulls were ahead by one since Sky just conquered her fear of bugs. And we had just got to Dawns room and it was full of robotic animals crying out for help. I noticed that Dawn had frozen up in fear and I knew I had to help her. The others have already made it to the other side and were waiting for us.

Y/n: Dawn, look at me.

Dawn: I-I-I...

Y/n: Dawn, I want you to focus your attention on me. Just try to block out all other noises, can you do that?

Dawn: I-I can try.

Y/n: Okay, now just Listen to my voice and keep your eyes on me.

With that I started leading her through the room. It took a couple minutes but we managed to get to the other side. Then as soon as we got to the other side Dawn gave me a hug.

Dawn: Thank you.

Y/n: N-No problem.


Dawn: It was great that Y/n was there to help me, he's so generous.
Y/n: I'd do anything to help a teammate. It's not just because Dawn's kind, funny, beautiful, and... make a me nervous just talking to her.

Confessional ends

With that we went through the doors heard Chris speak up through the intercom.

Chris: And with that, each team has only one corridor left.

Courtney: Didn't we all conquer our fears already?

As soon as we got into the final room and noticed it was dimly lit and it was full of parrots and I just froze.


Y/n: I have a terrible fear of parrots, those things are NOT normal.

Confessional ends

Zoey: You're afraid of the dark?

Y/n: No, parrots.

Duncan: Parrots, really?

Y/n: Hey, those things are NOT normal.

Dawn: Its alright, well just take it one step at a time.

With that we started making our way through the corridor. Meanwhile, the Seagulls were having trouble with Dave's fear. He just curled up into a ball when he saw all the dirt, vomit, and grease on the floor.

Brick: C'mon man, get up.

Dave: I-I-I can't... germs everywhere.

Meanwhile, we were taking it slowly past all of the parrots. I didn't like parrots because they were somehow able to speak and it freaked me out. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and it made me jump in fear.

Dawn: Its alright, it's just me.

Y/n: Sorry, parrots just always freaked me out when I was younger.

Dawn: And why is that?

Y/n: Its gonna sound foolish, but its because they can speak. No animal should be able to actually talk.

Dawn: If it makes you feel better, animals are more scared of you than you are of them. And there's nothing you should be afraid of.

Y/n: Really?

Dawn: Really.

With that Dawn called over one of the parrots and it landed right on my shoulder. I started to freak out until Dawn put her hand in mine and I started to calm down. And after a few moments the parrot started rubbing its head against mine.

Y/n: Wow.

Dawn: See, I told you there was nothing to be afraid of.

Duncan: Look, as nice as this is we have a challenge to win.

With that we all made our way to the exit and we managed to win. And a few seconds later the other team came out carrying Dave. And for some reason he looked like he had bern crying.

Chris: And the Terrific Tigers win again. Which means that the Seagulls will once again be sending somebody home.

After we won the challenge we went back to the resort to celebrate another victory. Later on we found out that Lindsay was eliminated. It turns out she stepped on a land mine during the challenge, so she had to be sent home by default.

Chris: And another one bites the dust. Will the Tigers continue their winning Streak? Or Will the Seagulls make a come back? Find out next time on Total! Drama! Tropical Island!

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