Chapter 17

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Your P.O.V.

I couldn't believe that I've made it all the way to the finale. I was real excited, but I was also really nervous. And I had thought that I would never make it all the way to the final two. I had a lot on my mind right now, so I decided to go for a walk in the woods.

I wanted to try and clear my head before the challenge, but it was really hard to do. After about half an hour I had bumped into Shawn. I didn't know why he was here, but I had a feeling it was for the same reason I was.

Y/n: Hey Shawn, how you holding up?

Shawn: I'm doing fine, just as long as there are no zombies.

Y/n: Why are you so scared of the undead Shawn?

Shawn: It doesn't matter, so how are you doing now?

Y/n: Honestly, I'm kind of a nervous wreck right now. I didn't think I would have gotten this far in the game. But I did, and I don't know what's going to be happening next.

Shawn: Hey, whatever happens, we can still be friends, win or lose.

Y/n: I'd like that, apart from the fear of zombies, you're a great guy Shawn.

Shawn: Thanks.


Y/n: I just would like to say that this has been one crazy ride. And to all of the ones who were voted off, I think that you're all awesome. But Alejandro and Heather can jump into Fang's mouth for all I care.
Shawn: I can't believe I made it to the finale again. I know the million I got in season six should be enough, but I need the five million for my zombie bunker. But, I hope that Chris doesn't try to kill us again.

Confessional ends

I was about to say something, but then Chris blasted an air horn through the intercom again.

Chris: Alright finalists, it's time for the final challenge. So come meet me in the forest in five minutes.

With that, me and Shawn made our way to the forest. When we got there, we both noticed two giant game show spinning wheels next to Chris.

Chris: Alright, congrats on making it all the way to the finale. Now for the final challenge, you two are gonna need some help. So all you have to do is spin these wheels to revive two helpers, so Shawn, you're up first.

Then Shawn walked up to the wheels and spun each one. The one on the left landed on Dave, and the one on the right landed on Jasmine.

Chris: Whimpy Dave and outback Jasmine, ok Y/n, you're turn for a spin.

So, like Shawn, I spun both wheels as hard as I could and waited to see who it would land on. The one on my left landed on Mike and the one on my right landed on Dawn.

Chris: So it's multiple Mike and nature lover Dawn. *to radio* Okay Chef, we are cleared for the landing.

That's when a helicopter came in and then dropped off Dave, Jasmine, Mike, and Dawn. It was really good to see Dawn and Mike again, and I knew that I would need all the help that I could get. Then Shawn and I noticed a tv with a map of the island with four pictures of briefcases on it.

Chris: Ok, so the five million dollars has been separated into five cases, four of which are on the screen.

Y/n: What about the fifth case?

Chris: The location of the last case will be revealed if we need to have a tie breaker. So the finalist who gets the most cases wins, so get going....... NOW!

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