Chapter 15

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Your P.O.V.

I couldn't believe that I had made it this far in the game. But I also knew that I had to keep my A game going. And all I have to do is win a few more challenges to win the five million. Right now Dawn and I were both on the beach having a conversation on how we can get Alejandro eliminated.

Y/n: Well it's the two of us, Shawn, Jasmine, and Alejandro. And all we have to do is at least get either Shawn or Jasmine to vote off Alejandro.

Dawn: Well if we do, we still need to make sure Alejandro doesn't win the next challenge.

Y/n: Speaking of which, what do you think it will be this time?

She was about to answer when a bird came and landed on her shoulder.

Dawn: What's that little friend? Evil is lurcing? Let me guess, Chris?

That's when Chris had blasted an air horn through the intercom. I was really starting to want to punch Chris in the face right now.

Chris: Alright campers, that's enough lying around. Time to get to the main lodge for todays challenge.

So we went to join the others in the main lodge for the challenge. When we arrived we had to wait for about ten minutes for Chris to show up.

Chris: Alright campers, it's time for today's challenge. And it happens to be an easy one: A cookie baking contest.

Everyone: Huh?

Chris: Yeah, the producers are forcing me to have you do an easy challenge for this episode. I don't know what was wrong with locking you in a cave with ten hungry bears.


Y/n: A cave full of bears? I don't know why Chris wants to try and kill us.
Dawn: Those poor creature's, I promise I will not stop until I end all animal cruelty on this show.

Confessional ends

Y/n: That obviously answers itself man.

Chris: Anyways, you'll each have to choose what type of cookie you'll make. And you have to stick with what you get, and no trying to sabotage anyone or it'll be your turn with the slingshot.

Then Chris pulled out a hat with at least a dozen cookie types. So one by one we all choose what cookie to make. I had to make sugar cookie, Dawns was oatmeal raisin, Shawn had M n' M, Alejandro was peanut butter, and Jasmine got snicker doodles.

Chris: Alright, ingredients are in the back, so get cooking.

So we all rushed in the back to get all the ingredients we needed. It was a good thing that I took all those cooking classes before I came. So I had a bit of an advantage, but I had a feeling that Alejandro did too.


Alejandro: Do I want to try and sabotage they others? Yes. But I know I won't be able to with Chris watching, so I'll have to play it smart.

Confessional ends

Once we all got started on the cooking, Shawn, Jasmine, and Alejandro were in a rush to beat the others. But me and Dawn were the only ones who were taking our time. My guess is that they would mess up somehow, but I had a feeling Alejandro was trying to go faster on purpose. I had just put my cookies in the oven when I saw that Shawn was struggling, so i went to help.

Y/n: Dude, don't add so much flour, try to use those measuring cups to even it all out.

Shawn: Oh, sure.

Then he started to use them, and it looked like he was doing better. Then I felt Dawn kiss check and it had caught me by surprise.

Dawn: Always helping others, it's one of the things I love about you.

Y/n: Well, you being full of surprises is one of the things I love about you.

After a few minutes we all finished baking and took them out. I had to say that each batch was looking good and I think Chris was impressed too.

Chris: I gotta admit, I'm impressed that you made it that quickly. But now it's time for your baking skills to be judged.

We were all confused as to why he would want to judge them. I mean, they were just cookies, I knew that there was no point in judging.

Chris: And today we have a very special guest to judge. Please help me welcome Totaldramafan2020 A.K.A. Trent.

With that, some guy walked in and had a gallon of milk with him. I didn't expect Chris to bring someone in to judge us. It was a good thing I was good with dealing with pressure. But from the look on Shawn's face, I could tell he was getting nervous.

Trent: He guys, it's great to be here and it's nice to meet you all.

Chris: And I should tell you that the one with the lowest points will be eliminated, so try not to lose this one.

So one by one, this Trent guy had tried Jasmine's, Shawn's, and Dawn's batch's of cookies. And from a score out of one hundred, Jasmine got 53, Shawn got 39, and Dawn had a 49. And now it was time for my batch to be judged. So then Trent tried one of the sugar cookies and immediately froze. And then he had devoured all of the cookies.

Trent: That was the best type of cookie I have ever had, 100 points.

I was honestly surprised that I had gotten 100 points. Even both Chris and Alejandro were shocked. And now it was time for Trent to try Alejandro's batch of cookies. But the second he took a bite, he froze yet again. Trent then had spit out the cookie to reveal that a cockroach was inside the cookie.

Trent: Gross! Zero points!

Alejandro: What!?

Alejandro tried to run for it, but Chef had already grabbed him. He was really trying to get out, and i was trying my best to not laugh at his humiliation. After a few minutes, he was tied up and stuck in the slingshot.

Chris: Ant final words Al?

Alejandro: This show just got-- AHHHH!

Before he could eben finish, Chris had already launched him. And at this point I couldn't hold it in any more and just started to laugh like crazy.

Y/n: *laughs* Man, he has had that coming for three seasons.

Dawn: Indeed.

Shawn: Oh yeah.

Jasmine: Definitely.

Chris: And now we're down to our final four campers. Who will make it to the final three? And what will I torture them with next? Find out next time on Total! Drama! Tropical Island!

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