Chapter 13

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Your P.O.V.

After what happened in the last challenge I was frustrated. I knew that Alejandro was trying to get me to lower my guard to vote me off. I had very little sleep last night since I had been very distrustful of him. After getting out of bed I made my way downstairs to have breakfast, but Alejandro was there waiting for me.

Alejandro: Hola Amigo.

Y/n: I'm not your amigo. And I don't trust you at all, so I'll be keeping an eye on you.

So then we had breakfast in silence and just glared at each other. After I had some breakfast, I made my way outside to take a walk to clear my head. After a few minutes I found Dawn meditating on a rock.

Dawn: Hello Y/n.

Y/n: Hey Dawn.

I then took a seat doen next to her and was hoping it would help me calm down a little. And I knew Dawn was worried since when I looked at her for a moment, she had a look of concern.

Dawn: Your aura is especially reddish orange right now. What is it that's bothering you Y/n?

Y/n: I barley got any sleep last night because of Alejandro. I just kept on wondering what he was up too, and I couldn't sleep.

Dawn: You know you need sleep Y/n. Because it isn't healthy to let your fear and paranoia control you.

Y/n: I know.

Dawn: And you know that I'll always be here to help you.

Y/n: I do.

With that we shared a quick kiss before Chris spoke up through the intercom.

Chris: Attention campers, it's time for another challenge. So please report to the main lodge for today's challenge.


Y/n: Does Chris always have to ruin our days with challenges?

Chris: *intercom* Yes, yes I do.

Y/n: *groans*
Dawn: I'm worried about Y/n right now. Thanks to Alejandro, he isn't getting any sleep. And I believe this is just part of his sick plans. I swear by mother nature I will make sure that Alejandro will be eliminated

Confessional ends

So we all made our way to the main lodge to see what Chris had planned for us today. As soon as we arrived we found that everyone else was waiting for us.

Duncan: Took you long enough, could you guys make out after the challenge?

We were about to say something, but Chris then appeared out of nowhere. And then chef had brought seven big pots out and had them covered.

Chris: Okay, today's challenge is going to be an easy one for you. Because you will be having an eating competition.

Courtney: That seems easy enough.

Chris: I was hoping you'd be the one to say that Courtney.

Courtney: What do you mean?

Chris: You see, we asked the viewers at home what you should eat. And a fan named "totaldramafan2020" gave us the idea to use something very special.

Then Chef pulled off the lids to reveal that it was green jelly. We all looked over to Courtney to see that she was petrified with fear.

Chris: That's right, today you'll all be eating green jelly.

Courtney: WHAT?!


Courtney: I don't know who's idea it was to do this to me. But when I find you, I'm going to sue the living pants off of you.

Confessional ends

Chris: And here's an added twist, the last one to finish their pot if green jelly will be disqualified.

That surprised us all and I had a feeling that Courtney would be so lucky. And I kind of felt bad for her, I knew that she had changed so much from season five. She didn't deserve to face her fears like this and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Then Chef started to hand each of us a pot of green jelly and I saw Courtney look at it in disgust.

Chris: And........... GO!

With that we all started to eat the green jelly from the pots. While everyone else was off to a fairly good start, Courtney was having very little luck. She hasn't even taken a single bite from the jelly, so I decided to help.

Y/n: If it makes you feel better, just close your eyes and think it's a different type of food.

So she did so and it looked like it helped her a little more. And as time went on, everyone was starting yo have trouble trying to eat the jelly. Both Shawn and Jasmine were almost finished with their pots while the rest of us weren't feeling so good. And after another minute or two, Chris spoke up.

Chris: And our winner: Jasmine.

A minute after Jasmine won, Shawn had finished his pot of jelly. And after at least twenty minutes most of us had finally finished our jelly. And now it was down it only to both Courtney and Alejandro to finish. I was really hoping that Courtney would win, but in the end that wasn't the case.

Chris: And Alejandro takes sixth place, which mean it's slingshot time for you today Courtney.

Courtney just let out a sigh of defeat as she only had two bites left. We all his her goodbye before she was put in the slingshot.

Courtney: Hey Y/n, I just wanted to say thanks for trying to help me.

Y/n: Hey, what are friends for? And you did get close to beating Alejandro if that makes you feel better.

Courtney: A little bit.

Then she just hugged my before chef put her in the slingshot. And then Chris launched her off into the distance.

Chris: And now we're down to the final six campers. Who will go home next? And how much more pressure can Y/n take before he loses it? Find out next time on Total! Drama! Tropical island!

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