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Xavier took me to this expensive restaraunt and we had dinner on the VIP area on top where there was the most amazing view I had gotten.

We laughed and ate and shared about things with each other.

When the dinner was over which was absolutely delicious by the way, Xavier took me to this beautiful lake with this small house by the waters.

We slow danced and he asked me to be his boyfriend officially which I responded with a 'hells yes'

We're driving back home now,of course with the guards and paparazzi onto us though,so we had to like drive faster.

We got past the gates,I couldn't stop smiling as we drove through the pavement to Lucions mega mansion house.

The lights were still turned on as we arrived.
Xavier's hand remained on my thigh as he got out and car around to open the car door for me.

Once we're inside, I almost melted at the sight in front of me.

So cute.

I pulled out my phone and snapped a few pictures of Lucion and Danny.

Danny was in a diaper and white vest as Lucion must've taken off his onesie I put him in.

He had his mouth slightly ajar on Lucions chest as Lucion was also passed out.
His arms still protectively around Danny's body holding him from sliding off.

I picked Danny up resulting in Lucion waking up alarmed and wanting to punch me.

"Sorry baby, I thought you were an intruder" Lucion apologized and I just smiled at him as Danny grabbed my curly whitish blonde locks.

"Mommy...." He mumbles in his sleep as I kiss his head and take him to his room.

"Shh baby, go to sleep" I whispered in his ear as he snuggled close to my chest sticking his thumb in his mouth.

Lucion stands up and we all walked upstairs.
"I'll catch up with you guys later, I have to make a phone call" Xavier says and I nodded as he pecks the side of my forehead.

I blushed as I walked upstairs and put Danny down on his crib that we bought last minute.

There are still few boxes to unpack with the amount of baby stuff Lucion and Xavier bought.

My head space room was not being used though cause the baby had a different room and I don't think he'd fit in my big crib.

I kiss him goodnight and cover him with the blanket up to his chin knowing he'll kick them off in the middle of the night.

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