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I got out of the car wearing Xav's light blue shirt which looked so big on me.

I shoved my hand in my pockets as my neck length locks came to my face as I pushed it away.
The shirt as was expected was baggy on me, I liked it cause it smelled like Xavier.

We all walked in together as people gushed and took out their phones taking pictures and stuff.

"We need to get shades" Xav says holding my hand,entwining my hands with his.
Lucion nodded as we walked into this expensive looking store.

We got shades, I got bamboo made round shades matching my small height.
Xav and Lucion got similar ones before Lucion swiped his card as Xav protested.

We walked out now the whole front of the store was packed with people holding their phones out as well as paparazzi team.

The paparazzi yelled out questions after questions but Xav just held my waist close to him whispering in my ear
"Just keep walking baby" he says when out of nowhere this guy grabbed my wrist harshly pointing the microphone to my lips almost shoving it to my nose that had just been readjusted afew minutes ago.

"What are your relations with the two CEOs?" He asks and everyone quietened until Xav grabbed me in 0.02 seconds punching the reporter in the face.

"Fucking shit. Don't touch him ever again" he says delivering a kick to his gut.

There's a series of gasps from the paparazzi as Xavier holds my hand  and I see Lucion smirking at the guy whose clutching his stomach and his nose as the other reporters try to help him but he just pushes them away.

How rude...

The guards pushed the paparazzi back as Lucion directed both Xav and I to the top floor to the food malls.

"We should've just gone to a restaraunt" Lucion grumbled.

"Oh hush. Callum wanted to eat at a fast food,so we'll go to a fast food" Xav says.

"We can go to a restaraunt if you want" I said feeling bad.

Maybe,eating out wasn't a good idea afterall.

"Hey,its fine. Its just. Never mind, let's just go eat,yeah?" Lucion says as he pecks my neck making me blush.

Mac Donald's food outlet was closed only for us three.

It was eerily quiet except for when Lucion started teasing Xav about punching the reporter.

I giggled feeling myself slip into headspace about them bickering that my McFlurry ice cream fell to the floor.

I instantly pouted feeling tears blur my vision. ice cweam.

"Oh baby,don't cry, we'll get you another one" papa says pulling me to his lap as he kisses my cheek.

I feel him kick daddy's leg under the table as daddy was about take a bite of his gray coated chicken nugget.

"Right" he says closing his mouth lowering the chicken to his plastic box of nuggets and stood up to order three large mac flurries flavored ice cream.

"See? Daddy's gone to get more ice cream ,no more crying bubba" I stuffed my face in his chest as my tears subsided as papa rubbed my back.

"What happened?" I heard daddy's deep voice say as papa rubbed my back still.
Bouncing me on his leg.

"What took you so long?" Papa asked a bit angrily as I clutched his shirt suddenly feeling scared by his tone.

"I'm sorry baby, papa isn't mad at you" papa says softly kissing my head and I felt a bit ok by that.

"The mcflurry chocolate machine was taking some time to get started with. Give him to me" daddy says and papa hands me over.

"Hey puppy,what's wrong?I got you more,look" he says softly but his voice still was deep and scary.

I peek from his shoulder seeing my ice cream.

I wiped my tears as I turned from his chest taking the spoon from the big bowl of ice cream picking out the mountain of MNM candy eating it with a smile.

Papa and daddy both chuckle as daddy pecks my cheek and hair as papa takes a picture of us.

"What do you have to say to daddy?" Daddy asked.

"Tank you daddy" I said my mouth full of MNM candy coated in vanilla and chocolate ice cream.

Their Pretty Boy (mxbxm)Where stories live. Discover now