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(2 days later.... Callum's little break from school is over)

Callum's POV

"Um...h-hey Callum" I heard someone say as I draped my school bag over my shoulder as my blondish white locks blocks the persons face.
I tuck the usual fringe that always drapes over my eye, tucking it behind my ear as I stare at the person.

I don't remember him in any of my classes.
Classes,as in school. As in its been the end of my little vacation from school which honestly?I missed. But hey,life must go on.
I still live in the frat house, I'm not just gonna up and go live with Xav and Lucion- my mates.

Xav has been nothing but a sweetheart and Lucion?I miss him, he's always working.
But I can't complain,he's doing what he loves and I don't wanna be the cause of him stopping when he's so close to reaching whatever goal it is he's trying to reach for, I'm gonna be supportive.

"Um...hi" I said politely before I pack my Advance Biology notepad with Mrs Heathermont.

".....I ...... I'm Jack" he says and I smiled a dimple smile at Jack.

"I'm Callum,but I guess you already know that" I said making him laugh and nod.

"I'm Dan's big brother" he says putting his hand out and I shake it.

"Oh wow, I didn't know, you don't look like him though- no offence" he chuckles.

"None taken. I'm actually his half brother, we have different moms. I am the bastard son but I've been through many fostering care " I frowned.

"Ohhhh....if anything,it isn't your fault, you didn't ask for this. And no child should be neglected of their needs from both parents. I'm sorry" I said as he smiles genuinely.

"Its fine Callum. It isn't your fault. I came to see you cause Dan asked if you wanted to have dinner with us and Rick in town" he offers just then my phone chimed and I fished it out my pocket seeing a message from Dan.

Dan: Hey Callum! Just wanted to ask you if you wanna join me,Rick and my brother Jack for a family dinner!
Jack is on his way to see you. Anyways,love you,bye❤❤

"That was Dan. Yeah sure. I'll see you at dinner ,it was nice meeting you Jack but I'm kinda late for another class" I excused myself quickly as he nodded with a cheerful sure,see you later.

When I got to class,I was about 4 minutes and 23 seconds late.

"You're late Mr Minette" I heard Professor Robert say in his heavy British accent.

"I'm so sorry Professor Robert, it won't happen again" he hums before letting me find a seat,after finding a seat, the lecture began.

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