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I lay in bed wide awake as I couldn't sleep.
I kept smiling like an idiot because of the date with Xavier.

I turn on my side,switching on the air con system, I smiled as cold air touched my skin.

I was about to fall off to sleep when the door opens and small footsteps are heard because a small whine.
"Maaaa" my eyes widen when I turned around seeing Danny holding his blanket and stuffie.

" Danny?how did you get out of your crib?" I asked as I quickly got off bed and picked up the boy.

"Mama, wewe" he mumbled as his small chubby fist was in his mouth.

I feel his diaper only to find he'd gone.
I kissed his curly locks as I walked back out of the room and walked into the boy's baby room.

After I changed him, I wanted to pull on a onesie for him but he kept whining.

"Come on Danny, please. I don't want you catching a cold" I try to reason with the stubborn boy but he just pouted giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"Nuh. Mommy is too haut" he says half babbling out and I sighed.

"OK, but just......use your blankie for tonight OK?and mommy's not taking no for an answer" I said trying to sound stern and he gives me a dimpled smile.

"Okie mama" he says and I sighed picking him up.

The things I do for this boy.

We went over to his stuffie box and he picks the gray wolf stuffie and we walked over to the collection of pacifiers.

"Um.....dat one mama" he says pointing to the white and blue pacifier.

I picked it up and washed it quickly before I gave it to him, he pouts and I sigh before pecking his cheek as I put the pacci in his mouth and he lays his head on my shoulder.

I turned around seeing a dark muscular figure leaning against the door frame, I almost got a fright until the figure came into the lightly dimmed lights of the baby room.


His tattoo covered upper body flexed as he walks towards us.
Danny clutched his stuffie to his chest as he looks at Lucion.

"Daddy" he mumbled around his pacci as I saw a small yet noticeable smile on Lucion's lips.

"Hello pups. What are you both doing up so late?" He asks taking Danny from my arms but not before kissing my lips.

"Nuh, I wan sweep wif  mama" Danny says as he lay his head on Lucion's chest tracing his fingers over the inked image on Lucions chest.
Lucion chuckles with a dimpled smile as he kisses the boy's brown soft curls.

"Come ere baby" Lucion says as he wraps his free arm around my waist and we walked out.

We entered his room and lay down, Danny in the middle, then me to the left guarding Danny's left side while Lucion lay on the right.

"There you are" says a familiar deep voice of Xavier as I feel hands behind me.

Xavier gets in behind me as he pecks my earlobe.

"Good night baby" he growls tiredly and I hum as I wrapped my arms around Danny's small body.

Lucion lays his hand over my hand leaning forward to kiss my lips and head along with Danny's curly locks.

I soon dozed off.

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