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New squinted his eyes as the sunlight hit his face. His head was throbbing and he felt dizzy probably due to the amount of alcohol he drank last night.

He tried to move but he felt something heavy on his left leg. That was when he realized that the room was unfamiliar. His light pink walls were now painted cobalt blue and his furniture were not the same anymore.

There was also a massive pile of clothes on a chair by the window, and he was sure it was not his because he couldn't stand anything messy.

He felt something move beside him, under the sheets specifically. With shaky hands and breath, he hesitantly uncovered whatever was under the sheets lying beside him on whosever bed it was.

"SHIT!" New muttered a curse as he saw a sleeping Tay Tawan naked under the sheets.

"Did I just have a birthday sex with Tay Tawan?"


Author's Note:

This is a parallel story to OffGun's Under a Million Stars.

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