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New winced in pain as he sat down in his bed. He just arrived in his unit and he was still in the state of processing everything that happened earlier. He didn't even know how he ended up in Tay's unit, specifically in his bed. The last thing he remembered was entering the cab that would bring him home.

He dropped himself on the bed and grabbed the pillow as he muffled his scream with it.

"Uuuuurrrgghhh!!! What the hell just happened?!!! I really should stop drinking already!"

He exhaled a huge amount of air and got off the bed. He felt sticky so he went to the bathroom to take a quick shower before going to his mother's pastry shop. It was a Sunday so he didn't have work. He stripped off his shirt and pants and directly went to the shower but as he was about to take off his underwear, he realized something.

"When the hell did I start wearing Mickey Mouse briefs??"


*Gun calling*

Tay stared at the ringing phone on the carpet of his floor. He was debating with himself if he was gonna answer it or not. It wasn't his phone in the first place. The guy earlier whose name he already forgot, left his phone as he scrambled out of his unit. He knew one should not pry on other people's things but the name on the screen was making his finger wanna swipe the answer button. In the end, he picked up the phone and answered the call.

|Can you please help me? I really wanna evade Off but he keeps on bugging me. Please if he asks you about where am I, don't tell him. He's been calling me nonstop and I—|

"Gun, it's Tay."

There was a a long pause on the other line that was followed by a beeping sound.

It had been a year since Off and Gun broke up and since they last saw Gun. He cut all his contact with all of them and he was wondering why it felt like he had a close connection with the phone's owner.

He stared at phone and unlocked it. Luckily, there was no password. He went through the gallery and scanned the photos. Most of them were selcas and pictures of pastries. He was about to click back when he noticed a folder named "TayNew." Without hesitation, he opened the album and saw that there were photos of him inside, mostly stolen. But what stood out the most was the selca of the guy with him in the background. He was wearing a graduation gown. It was blurry probably because it was obviously a stolen shot. He looked at the album name again while recalling the name of the guy he rejected on his graduation day.



"Where the heck is it?"

New fumbled through the pockets of the pants he wore earlier but had no luck. He still couldn't find his phone. His eyes landed on the Mickey Mouse boxer briefs on the chair.

"Don't tell me...Oh shizz. I don't even have the guts to face him!"

He plopped on his bed and rolled over as he grabbed his hair. Waking up with a naked Tay in the bed was mind blowing enough and he literally lost his mind when Tay touched him down there. And now he had to see him again because he left his phone in his unit. He didn't even have the guts to face him.  Their meeting was so damn unexpected, he wasn't even mentally prepared at that time. And what was even more confusing was the pain in his bottom. He wasn't even sure if they really did it but his ass was in pain. He looked at it in the mirror and he noticed a slight bruise.

"Urrrgghh! Tay Tawan, why do you have to freaking appear again!"


"Hi Mom," New greeted his mom as he entered the shop's kitchen. His mom was currently decorating cupcakes.

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