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Hello there beautiful humans! This chapter is specially dedicated to my irl friend S5M_5o, the one who encouraged me to give writing on Wattpad a shot, and the one who knows all my darkest secrets and how messy I am as a person. 😆

I love you, ghoorl even though you always threaten me with your "receipts."
(makapasar unta nis imong standards dzae ug mobasa man gani ka pero mas maayu ug di nalang 😆😆)

Hope you enjoy this guys. 💙



New trudged towards the living room, his nose flaring as he stood with his hands on his hips in front of Tay.

"Urgh! Tay I told you to put your used clothes in the bin! Don't just leave them everywhere. I even found this hanging on the desk lamp!" he threw the boxers on Tay's face.

Tay just removed the boxers from his face and grinned at him, then continued watching some weird animal fight on the TV screen.

He grabbed the remote control and turned off the TV.

It had been 3 months since they got married and New was literally starting to get wrinkles.

He didn't even know if he married a fully grown man or a five-year old kid.

After being married, Tay's parents gifted them with a fully furnished house.

Tay suggested getting a helper but he wasn't comfortable with having other people getting inside their house.

And as much as possible, he wanted to take care of Tay himself since it was just still the two of them.

But as of the moment, he was starting to doubt if he made the right decision of not getting a helper considering how messy Tay could be.

There were mornings when he would just step on some random yellow powder on the kitchen floor or find out that Tay missed the toilet bowl for the nth time and peed on the floor instead.

They had also consulted for surrogacy, but they weren't really in a hurry. As much as possible, they wanted to spend time together as a couple first before building their own family.

"Urgghh! Are you listening?!" he exclaimed and straddled Tay, choking him lightly.

Tay just laughed at him and grabbed his waist, stroking it lightly to pacify him.

"Okay, okay, fine. I won't do it again, okay? I promise," Tay beamed at him.

"Tssss. You've been saying that for the past three months," he scowled and attempted to get off Tay but Tay held his waist firmly.

"Let's stay like this for a while. You only get to be on top of me on rare occasions," Tay teased and nuzzled his neck.

"Pervert!" he exclaimed and hit Tay's shoulders.

"Come on we have to get ready. We'll be late for Apple's birthday," he tapped Tay's shoulder and got off him.

"Can we just stay here and cuddle? I don't feel like partying," Tay complained and sprawled on the sofa instead of getting up.

"She's gonna shave your head if you don't show up so get your ass moving because we only have half an hour to get there."


New squinted his eyes as the lights directly hit his face, blurring his vision.

Apple's party was being held in The Groove. Apparently, she rented the whole place just for the night.

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