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Warning: Contains mature content.


Tay uncomfortably shifted on his seat as he watched New's mom smiling happily at them while her husband was beside her, burning him with a scrutinizing glare.

"I, uh, Mom, I'm—"

"If my son approves, so will I. I just want you to know that I totally support whatever plans you have for the future," she clasped her hands as she exclaimed, her face filled with pure delight.

"Mom, can you first listen to us. It's not what—" New interrupted.

"Tay, New, I assume you are both responsible and old enough for the decisions you make in life," New's father interjected, still giving him a serious look and he couldn't help but bite his quivering lips.

"This calls for a celebration! I'm calling our relatives over the weekend!  This is such great news! So Tay when are we meeting your family? "

"Mooom, we just had a family reunion! And besides I told you, it's not what you think it is!"

"I think we have to go darling so they could spend time together! Tay just tell me when we'll be meeting your parents, okay?" she then picked up her bag on the sofa and kissed him and New on the cheeks. She then strutted her way out of the room, her husband following closely behind.


New had a hard time processing what just happened.

"Is my mother that eager to marry me off that she basically approved everything in a snap?!" he exclaimed as he flailed his arms around due to the frustration that was consuming him.

"Can you just sit and calm down?"

He just shot Tay a glare and if looks could kill, he would have been dragging Tay's dead body and hid it somewhere no one would find.

He admitted, the moment he saw Tay kneeling in front of his bedroom door with a ring in his hand, his heart skipped a beat. No scratch that. His heart somersaulted.

But the moment he saw the utter confusion in Tay's eyes as his parents entered the room, he knew better.

"You! Argh! This is all your fault! It has always been your fault since the beginning. And why do you have a fucking ring with you?!"

"It was not mine, okay? Off asked me to keep it for him since it reminds him so much of Gun. He was supposed to propose to Gun using that ring but then he ran away."

That completely caught him off guard because of two things: one, the fact that he was able to confirm that what happened was unintentional and two, Off planned to propose to Gun.

He then remembered the conversation he had with Gun last night.

"But still you're the one at fault! Urgh, I so damn hate you Tay Tawan!"

"Don't act as if you're the only one in a tight situation. It's your parents' fault for blowing things out of proportion!"

"Oh, so it's my parents' fault now?!" he raged as he charged towards Tay and punched him on the shoulders.

"Wait! Why are you becoming violent all of a sudden? Let's talk about this in peace!"

"No, you idiot! We're talking in fists because I so fucking hate you right now!" he gave Tay another punch on the chest, a not so strong one but enough to inflect pain.

"Come on, don't act as if you don't wanna marry me in the future! May I remind you that you are in love with me since uni!" Tay tried to dodge his punches but New being the stronger one gave another blow on his shoulders.

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