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New couldn't sleep. Not because it was his first time sleeping there but because of what Tay said earlier.

I'm starting to really like you, Newwie.

Those were the last words he spoke before going to the comfort room, leaving him in utter disbelief while staring at the white ceiling of Tay's room.

He glanced at the sleeping figure beside him. Tay was sleeping on his side, with his back turned to New while New was
sleeping on his back. He sighed and tried to sleep, counting as many sheep as possible but that didn't help either.

He wasn't supposed to sleep in his bed but Tay argued that his father may walk in his room and him sleeping on the couch might result to their parents being suspicious about their made-up relationship.

I'm starting to really like you, Newwie.

He grunted as he remembered yet again what Tay said. He flipped over and buried his face in the pillow before letting out a muffled scream.

He felt the bed move but he didn't care. He just wanted to get those words out of his head for the sake of his sanity that was slowly falling over the edge.

"You should sleep. We still have work tomorrow."

New abruptly looked at Tay who was already facing him. An amused look was plastered on his face as he looked at New who was having a mental breakdown in the middle of the night.

"Can't sleep? Why? You're still thinking about what I said earlier?"

New scoffed and acted like he was about to gag. "You wish."

He switched position and went back to lying on his back for he didn't wanna face Tay or he'd definitely wouldn't be able to sleep for the rest of the night.

"Hey why don't you believe me? I was being sincere."

"Oh really? So where's your 'I'm sorry but I'm not into men' act, huh?"

New scoffed as he watched Tay got speechless and evaded his stares.

"I-uh. Let's go to sleep," Tay replied as he turned his back to New.


Tay's car stopped in front of what seemed to be a vacation house by the lake.

"Is this it?" he asked as looked over at New who had a long face.

"Yeaaah," New answered nonchalantly.

Tay chuckled over his response and then fixed his hair as he looked at the rearview mirror, making sure that not a stray hair could be seen on his face. It was a Saturday and he was about to meet New's family. He heaved a deep sigh as he fixed his shirt which was neatly tucked in his pants.

"What are you so nervous about? It's not like we're really into this relationship shit anyway," New raised his eyebrows at him, completely perplexed as to why he was fidgeting about him meeting his family.

Tay just grinned, completely showing his teeth and gums as he fished his phone out of his pocket. He then snapped a photo of them so quickly that New didn't have a chance of looking at the camera. Instead he was looking at Tay with a serious look on his face.

"Gotta impress your family. You know, for future purposes," Tay replied as he went down the car.

"Oh Taaay! I'm so glad you came!" New's mother approached him and squeezed him in a hug.

"Of course, Mom. I can never say no to you."

"Come on in. Everybody's here."

"Sure thing, Mom. Lemme just get something."

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