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"Don't Apple. I don't wanna breathe the same air with people who think the worst of me when in fact they're the ones jumping from one bed to another."

None of them spoke. Apple who was smiling brightly earlier, cleared her throat and smiled meekly at him while Tay just continued eating.

Tay's words agitated him, especially after going MIA on him so instead of refusing Apple's offer,  he did the exact opposite.

"Sure. I'd be glad to join you," he replied as he approached them and sat on the seat beside Apple.

The waiter approached them and he placed his order.

Tay never did once look at him and just continued eating.

He rolled his eyes and tried so hard not to kick his legs under the table.

He then fished out his phone from his pocket and texted Earth.

Santi's Restaurant. Be here rn. Or I'll never ever 4give u.

"So, why are you eating out alone?" Apple decided to break the silence.

"Oh, I'm not really alone," he replied.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see that Tay stopped eating and glanced at him.

They stayed silent for quite some time with him casually glancing at Tay who still hadn't given him a single glance.

"Here's your order, Sir," the waiter said as he placed New's order on the table.

"Wow, that's quite a lot."

New chuckled. "They're not just for me."


The three of them turned to look at a panting Earth who was entering the restaurant with a wide smile on his face.

"Good evening, Sir," Apple greeted Earth whilst Tay just remained as passive as ever.

"Good evening, everyone," Earth replied as he took the seat beside Tay and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"I already ordered for you," New said as he stared at Earth hoping he'd get what he wanted to say.


They started eating in silence. He almost let out a curse as Earth grabbed his plate and sliced the steak for him.

"T-Thanks," he said as Earth handed back his plate.

"So, Mr Vihokratana, how's work?" Earth asked as he looked at Tay who didn't even say a word since the beginning.

"Good, especially that I'm not surrounded with...untrusting people."

New bit his lips as Tay glanced at him while saying the last part of his answer.

"Oh, really? That's good then. It's great having good people in the company. That's why I'll always be thankful for Apple and New. They're such great assets to the company."

"Oh, come on.. We're just doing what's expected of us," Apple chuckled.

"Nah, the company's doing great because of you, great people. And I have to thank you for that, especially New. He had to suffer sleeping in a cheap motel just to accompany me in meeting a client out of the city," Earth chuckled.

New glanced at him and smiled timidly.

"I was just doing what was asked from me, Sir."

"Oh come on. Stop calling me Sir. We're outside of work."

"And how did you end up sleeping in a motel?" Apple asked as she looked at him and Earth alternately.

"Oh, the car broke down and I was tired as hell so I just dragged New to a nearby motel so we could take a rest."

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