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"Come ooooonn. Get up," New pushed Tay and tried to roll him off the bed as the latter wouldn't budge.

Tay grunted and scratched the back of his head, his eyes still half closed as he looked at New who was glaring at him.

"For a nurse, you're quite harsh," Tay mumbled.

"Excuse me but one, I'm not your nurse and two, your hand's healed. So stop acting like you lost a limb. And for Pete's sake, the sun's about to burn the world outside but you're still lying in bed," he placed his hands on his hips as he ranted in front of Tay.

It had been two months since he started taking care of him and he must say every day was a tiring but fulfilling one.

When his father said Tay was a handful, he didn't expect it to be an understatement.

He didn't even know what was going on Tay's mind but he would just casually let him do things that were unreasonable like scratching his back or shaving his beard. He even went as far as making him brush his teeth. He no longer knew if he was taking care of a fully adult man or a five-year old kid.

Yeah, he knew it was his duty to take care of him but it had been months and he was starting to get suspicious of Tay's hand.

He glared at him and threw him a pillow.

"You should get up. Let's have breakfast," he said and marched out of the bedroom.


Tay glanced at New who was putting food on his plate.

He mentally grinned then glanced at his hand on top of the table.

The doctor called him yesterday that his cast could be removed as his wrist was fully healed but he refused to see him.

He was afraid New wouldn't give him extra attention if he was all healed and recovered so he just continued pretending to be hurt.

He opened his mouth as New aimed a spoonful at him.

"Hmmmm. You cook so well. You're gonna be a good husband."

"Tsss. I won't marry you if that happens. You're just gonna make me your slave," New scoffed at him and poured him a glass of water.

"I'll just satisfy you in bed to compensate for alhshsjsbxjjwjakalal."

He couldn't even finish his words as New shove a spoonful of rice down his throat. He coughed as he tried to swallow down the food.

"That filthy mouth of yours definitely needs cleaning. Why don't we drop by the dentist since it's a Saturday?" New had an evil grin on his face.

He just munched on his food, swallowing it before responding to New.

"Wow, yours is not clean itself. Remember the amount of curses you mutter every time I'm on top of you? They're more than enough to send you to hell."

He giggled as he watched New's face  and ears turn red. He just loved it every time New blushed because of him.

"You know what, that mouth has to shut up for once. Nothing's coming out of your mouth but lewdness."

He just beamed at him as he propped his arms on the table and stared at New.


"Nothing. I'm just happy to wake up and see you first thing in the morning. Just stay here will you? You don't have to go back to your unit."

"Tsss. You're not a kid anymore Tay. And besides I'm still paying for my unit. I just can't abandon it all of a sudden."

"Then sell it and live with me."

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