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"You look like a cat in labor," Apple scoffed at him as he walked back and forth the room.

He just threw her a dangerous glare and dialled New's number again.

"Shit. He's not answering my calls."

"Maybe he's still sleeping?"

"The sun's already up outside and you think he's still sleeping? It's almost 8 for fuck's sake!" he raged.

He had been calling New ever since that morning but his phone would just keep on ringing.

His feet had been itching to go and bang the door of the next room but he didn't wanna cause a commotion.

"Shit. Is he angry with me?? We were already fine last night. He even accepted my apology."

"My goodness, Tay. Can you just relax?"

He was about to argue when the buzzer rang.

He immediately went to open the door thinking that it might be New, but he could only roll his eyes and scoff when he saw Earth standing outside the door.

"What?" he asked in the most uninteresting way he could think of.

"I-I need your help. I-New and I had an argument last night and he...he hasn't come back ever since. I couldn't contact him for he left his phone."

"What the fuck did you do?" he growled in a low voice and grabbed his shirt.

"Is anything wrong?" Apple asked as she approached them.

"I swear to heavens if something happened to New, I'm gonna kill you with my bare hands," he muttered and pushed Earth out of the way.

In the quickest pace he could ever do, he made his way to the elevator while dialling White's number.

"White, I need your help."


New groaned in pain as he accidentally moved his twisted ankle. He tried calling for help but it seemed like no one was near the area.

Last night, when he stormed out of their room, he went to the farthest side of the beach to be alone and think. However, when he was making his way back to the resort, he accidentally slipped on some rocks and twisted his ankle.

He didn't even have his phone with him. He tried moving but the searing pain in his ankle was just too much to handle.

He was already dizzy from all the hunger and thirst he was feeling.

"Oh shit. Talk about being unfortunate," he muttered as he tried to stand but failed. He looked at his ankle and saw that it was swelling.

He sighed and prayed someone will notice his disappearance.

He closed his eyes to somehow soothe the dizziness he was feeling. He was massaging his head when he heard someone shouting his name.

"New! Hin!"

He immediately opened his eyes as he recognized Tay's voice.

"Tay! I'm here!"

He couldn't even describe the amount of relief he felt when he saw Tay, but his forehead creased the moment he saw Earth following closely behind.

"Hin! Are you hurt?"

"I-I twisted my ankle."

"Here, hop on," Tay replied and turned his back to him.

"Tay, we can ask for assistance from the resort," Earth said and approached them.

"No, there's no need. Come on, New."

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