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Tay smiled as he stared at New who was half naked beside him. New stirred and shifted his position, scooting close to Tay.

Tay touched the bruise on New's neck and giggled. It had been long since he last marked him so he grabbed the opportunity last night and made as many marks as possible.

New slowly opened his eyes and smiled at him.

"Good morning," he muttered and hugged New closer, snuggling him as he placed a light kiss on his head.

"Morning," New replied in a husky voice.

"How are you feeling?" he asked and brushed New's hair. "I hope I wasn't that rough last night."

New chuckled and hit his chest lightly.

"I'm fine. My foot just hurts a bit, but I'm good."

He snickered as he remembered what happened last night. They accidentally tripped as they made their way to the bed and New almost cried because of the pain on his foot.

"Shouldn't we get ready? I'm supposed to go back to work today," New muttered.

"Tsss. Don't worry about work. You won't be terminated. And if you do, you can always work at mine."

"Tsss. As if I'd be able to work properly if I'm there."

He chuckled and hugged New tighter.

"Well, we can always sort our priorities. Let's sleep some more. I know you're tired."

New just snickered but hugged him back.


New ogled at Tay's hand which was reaching out to him.

"Come on. Don't be scared."

"I'm not! It's just I haven't ridden one before," he complained.

Earlier, a strange sound woke him up and found out that Tay had rented a jetski for them.

"Then, come on, okay. Hold my hand."

He rechecked his life jacket before grabbing Tay's hand.

"Be careful with your foot."

"Are you sure you can operate this one?" he asked as he carefully sat behind Tay.

"Don't worry, okay? You're in safe hands," Tay replied and revved the engine.

He grabbed Tay's waist tightly as the latter started to accelerate.

"Hey! Don't drive too fast!" he exclaimed as the waters hit his legs.

"Come on! Let go and shout!" Tay replied and drove faster.

"Noo. I might fall!"

"Oh come on! Trust me, you won't!"

"Holy shit Tay Tawan!!" he shouted as Tay drove even faster but then let go of Tay's waist. He raised his hands over his head and screamed at the top of his lungs.

"WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" his throat hurt but he didn't care.

He laughed as Tay made a left turn and he shrieked when they almost tipped over.


But instead, Tay just laughed at him and egged him even more to give his loudest scream. He noticed that the people by the beach were looking at them, but he didn't care.

He was having so much fun to give a damn about them.

Tay laughed when he shouted again.

"Come on! Make it louder!"

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