Chapter 6: My inner confrontation

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Marinette's POV

- inside subconsion -

"Mari it's time to wake up" I hear a voice says.

"Where am I"I ask.

"We're inside your brain"the voice says.

"How"she asks.

"Easy, Hawkmoth is no longer in control"the voice says.

"Who are you"I ask still confused"and if Hawkmoth is not in control then who is?"

"I my dear am something that you've been fighting for a long time, you've bottling up your emotions. They made me grow little by little, I'm your inner demons and I am in control"she says stepping out of her hiding place.

My inner demon is wearing black leather pants with a blood red tucked in button up t-shirt and black heels.

"No" I scream trying to get to only to have something pull me back. Chains, she put chains on me.

"Now now Mari I'm not the enemy here, I'm here to help you. I'll get rid of your problems. I'll defeat Hawkmoth and get revenge on the way they've treated you"

"No"I say holding my throbbing head "stop trying to get inside my head, revenge is not the answer"I say

"You've always been too strong headed for your own good"she says"let me try another approach"

"Wha-what you gonna do" I ask.

"Tell the truth"she says with an evil smirk.

"They aren't worth saving you remember what they said to you 'your a piece of shit that won't go far in life she starts' "

'your useless'

'can't believe we were ever friends with you'

'you a sl*t that has to sleep with a guy so he can like you'

'your just a fat baker's girl'





'no one loves you and no one will ever love you'

The voices continue to ring in my head.

"No please stop"I say starting to have a mental breakdown. Then the worst one comes. The one that pushed me over the edge. The one said by someone I thought I loved, I thought will be there for me when I needed him.

'your weak, you wouldn't be that powerful of an akuma'

The voice kept ringing in my head, it was to much to bare I broke down.

"Nobody loves me" I screamed "nobody cares"I continue"I'm weak I can't do anything just do what you want"I finally scream.

"Good I finally broke you"she says snapping her fingers and making the chains disappear. "You won't be putting up much of a fight, but I have back up just in case"

By now I am huddled into a ball. Having a panic attach.

"Don't worry you have VIP tickets to the show"she says.

- outside world -

Chat Noir's POV

"You've done it you've domed the world" the queen of mean says.

"What do you mean" I ask.

"She's broken down and is having a panic attach because of your words" she says "she's the only one that can fight me and actually stand a chance of winning but thanks to your words all her strength is drained out"she smiles evily.

Queen of meanWhere stories live. Discover now